2647 results found
Health topics
… way to avoid having your period. This may help if you have painful periods. What are the disadvantages of using the … way to avoid having your period. This may help if you have painful periods. What are the disadvantages of using the …
Health topics
… is the only way to solve their problems and end their pain. People who have suicidal thoughts may not seek help … there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain. People who consider suicide often are undecided about … think there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain. Seek Care Now Based on your answers, you may need care …
Health topics
… children aren't serious. But they can be uncomfortable and painful. You can help prevent friction burns in the … children aren't serious. But they can be uncomfortable and painful. You can help prevent friction burns in the …
Health topics
… and week. Exercise can improve your posture, relieve back pain and other discomforts related to pregnancy, and prepare … footnote 3 Excessive fatigue or shortness of breath Pain or cramping, especially in the back or pelvic area … or scuba diving. There is no evidence that exercise causes miscarriage. But if you have a history of repeated …
Health topics
… keep using alcohol or other substances even though it causes harm to themselves or others. Many people think that … used to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, or pain you have had for a long time (chronic pain). You take medicines while drinking alcohol. You don't …
Health topics
… prefer. What To Expect When you wake up from surgery, your pain will be controlled with intravenous (IV) medicine. You … first week or so after surgery, you will need less and less pain medicine. For a few weeks after surgery, you will … prefer. What To Expect When you wake up from surgery, your pain will be controlled with intravenous (IV) medicine. You …
Health topics
… If you have heart disease, too much medicine can cause pain (angina) and irregular heartbeats. If your dose is too … If you have heart disease, too much medicine can cause pain (angina) and irregular heartbeats. If your dose is too …
Health topics
… to 45 minutes. Symptoms of infection may include: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness in or around the area. … the barb is in the skin. If removing the fish hook is too painful, get medical care. Do not try to remove a fish hook … more Over-the-counter medicines Acetaminophen Aspirin for Pain, Fever, and Inflammation Non-steroidal …
Health topics
… the effects of an opioid emergency. Opioids are strong pain medicines. Examples include hydromorphone, oxycodone, … the effects of an opioid emergency. Opioids are strong pain medicines. Examples include hydromorphone, oxycodone, …
Health topics
… stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on the median nerve. A wrist splint isn't … stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on the median nerve. A wrist splint isn't …