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Health topics
… in place with strong stitches (sutures), your doctor will take the clamp off of your aorta. This will allow blood to … again. When your heart starts to beat again, you will be taken off the heart-lung bypass machine. Your surgeon may … stitches, or sutures. Surgery without complications usually takes 3 to 6 hours, depending on how many coronary arteries …
Health topics
… (NICU). Given medicine to speed up lung development, which takes at least 48 hours to fully benefit the baby's lungs. … with certain health conditions (such as heart problems, severe pre-eclampsia, or poorly controlled diabetes or high … (NICU). Given medicine to speed up lung development, which takes at least 48 hours to fully benefit the baby's lungs. …
Health topics
… new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of … footnote 1 , footnote 2 Limited activity. The athlete can take part in daily activities as long as the activity … new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of …
Health topics
… that may increase or cause back pain, use ice, and take non-prescription pain relievers when you need them. … let fear of pain keep you from trying gentle activity. You should try to be active soon after noticing pain, and … let fear of pain keep you from trying gentle activity. You should try to be active soon after noticing pain, and …
Health topics
… asthma attacks associated with viral infections. Wheezing severe enough to require a hospital stay. Asthma as your … (rather than allergies), symptoms tend to become less severe and may go away by the teenage years. Asthma seems to … into the teenage years in children who have moderate to severe asthma. If your child has moderate to severe asthma, …
Health topics
… the joints are permanently fused together. This procedure severely limits motion, but it usually relieves pain. If … the joints are permanently fused together. This procedure severely limits motion, but it usually relieves pain. If …
Health topics
… angle of the spine is measured in degrees and describes how severe the curve is. (The angle is determined by the … a mild curve, and a 50-degree curve is considered a severe curve. Many people have some curve in their spine. In … angle of the spine is measured in degrees and describes how severe the curve is. (The angle is determined by the …
Health topics
… have to spend time in the hospital. This can be because of severe symptoms or for other reasons. You may have to go to … talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, such as tardive dyskinesia . … sick to seek treatment on their own. If the symptoms are severe, you may have to force the person to get treatment. …
Health topics
… People with high blood sugar from diabetes can be more severely affected by common infections, such as influenza … Yeast infections on the skin and in the urinary tract. Severe infection of the outer ear with the bacteria … infection is called malignant external otitis. It causes severe ear pain and drainage from the infected ear. …
Health topics
… of ODD. Older children usually have to show a pattern of severe aggression for a year before they are diagnosed with … for not following the rules. If you say you will take away a privilege, do it. It can be hard to follow … for not following the rules. If you say you will take away a privilege, do it. It can be hard to follow …