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3987 results found
Health topics
… heart-healthy lifestyle is a way of living that helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. This lifestyle can help lower your risk of a heart attack and stroke. It can also improve the quality and length of your life. To be heart-healthy: Don't smoke, and try to …
Health topics
… kinds of injuries are caused by putting too much stress on your muscles, joints, or other tissues without allowing them … the symptoms? Golfer's elbow causes pain on the inside of your elbow. Your elbow may feel stiff, and it may hurt when you make a …
Health topics
… an important part of treating HIV . Good nutrition can help your immune system stay strong, which in turn may help your body fight HIV. Knowing the best way to nourish your body will help keep it strong and allow your HIV …
Health topics
… —fats and fatty substances used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids include cholesterol , triglycerides , … to HDL. The ratio of LDL to HDL. Lipids are found in your blood and are stored in tissues. They are an important part of cells, and they help keep your body working normally. Lipid disorders , such as high …
Health topics
… is water exercise done? Exercising in water can increase your flexibility and range of motion without putting stress on your joints and spine. Warm water also helps relax your muscles. You can walk and run in water, as well as jump …
Health topics
… pain Managing pain is not easy. But it is essential to your quality of life. For example, pain can make you feel tired or depressed. It can also make it hard for your body to heal. Almost always, pain can be controlled … take more than one try to find the best medicines for you. Your hospice palliative care team also may recommend …
Health topics
… Works On this page: Overview Overview Your heart is divided into two separate pumping systems, the right side and the left side. The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up …
Health topics
… Getting Started Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what … a food journal. This can help you find out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. … difference between true hunger and hunger that's just in your head (psychological hunger). When you start feeling …
Health topics
… is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop . The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This …
Health topics
… ringworm of the scalp or beard? Ringworm is an infection on your skin, hair, or nails. It's caused by a fungus . The … spreads easily from one person to another. If anyone in your family has the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. How is ringworm of the scalp or beard …