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Health topics
… injury can happen when a child uses one part of their body in the same way over and over again. This may cause pain, swelling, or tenderness in that part of the body. Children or their parents may not be able to remember … cord or brain problem. It may cause back pain along with changes in balance or coordination. Back …
Health topics
… Babies whose mothers are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk for health problems. … compounds (VOCs) —can reduce the chemical load on your body. Sick building syndrome Experts coined the term "sick … includes water-damaged carpets and building materials. Make changes in your home to help reduce allergens. Remove …
Health topics
… in infants. Treat vaginal yeast infections, especially during the last 3 months of pregnancy. This will decrease your baby's risk of getting thrush during delivery. Wash bottle nipples and pacifiers daily. …
Health topics
… Overview What are genes? Genes are the part of a body cell that contain the biological information that … including risks of developing certain diseases. Certain changes in genes or chromosomes may cause problems in various body processes or functions. What are chromosomes? Many …
Health topics
… hormones affect every cell and all the organs of the body. Too much thyroid hormone speeds things up and too … slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects whether … down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change how fast food moves through your …
Health topics
… they are called PMS. What causes it? PMS is tied to hormone changes that happen during your menstrual cycle. Doctors aren't sure why … treated? No single treatment works for everyone. Lifestyle changes may help. These changes could include healthy …
Health topics
… needs to be strong to pump oxygen-rich blood to your entire body. When the ventricle gets thick, other changes can happen in the heart. The heart's electrical … means that your heart doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a …
Health topics
… This is called withdrawal. Clearing the alcohol from your body is called detoxification, or detox. Most people may be … drink lots of fluids, and eat healthy foods while your body goes through detox. But people who drink large amounts … support, patience, and commitment will help you make the changes you need to live a fuller life without alcohol. You …
Health topics
… diseases such as Lyme disease that the tick may pass on during feeding, or a skin infection where the tick bit you. … Avoid those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when working or playing in grassy or wooded … ticks When you come in from outdoors, check all over your body for ticks, including your groin, head, and underarms. …
Health topics
… life. There is a chance that your prostate cancer may grow during active surveillance. But you will have frequent checkups and tests to watch for any changes. And if the cancer grows, it can still be … During active surveillance, your doctor will watch for any changes in the cancer. You will have frequent checkups and …