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3027 results found
Health topics
… sugar range, and your weight goals. Be prepared for some changes. Taking care of a new baby may change when and how … Eat healthy snacks to prevent low blood sugar. Your body is using energy to make breast milk, so you might have … Eat healthy snacks to prevent low blood sugar. Your body is using energy to make breast milk, so you might have …
Health topics
… help find how much sodium you eat. You can tell when your body retains fluid by weighing yourself often. Sodium … you consume, the more fluid you will retain. When your body retains fluid, your weight may increase. If you weigh … Date and weight. Foods and drinks consumed during the day. Milligrams (or grams) of sodium in each meal …
Health topics
… in the lungs very sensitive. In response to irritation, the body forces air through the airways by a rapid and strong … where the blood picks up oxygen to deliver throughout the body and where it disposes of carbon dioxide that is a … makes it harder to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen during each breath. Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood …
Health topics
… your overall mental health. For some people, having extra body fat can cause health problems. Learn about obesity and …
Health topics
… Information Overview What is shock? Shock means that your body and its functions are shutting down. The body goes into shock when it can't get enough blood to the … fast or slow it is. Take it again if the person's condition changes. Try to keep the person calm. Learn more Dealing …
Health topics
… it's given as shots. This means the medicine stays in your body longer than if you take a pill. Why they're given Shots … because they keep a steady amount of medicine in the body. How they're given You go to your doctor's office to … condition. The first signs include a high fever and changes in heart and breathing patterns. If you have these …
Health topics
… a cup of coffee or other caffeine-containing beverage during the day can cause sleeplessness. Caffeine can stimulate the body for 3 to 7 hours and can interfere with your sleep as long as it remains in your body. Even the small amount of caffeine in decaffeinated …
Health topics
… had some medical treatments. TPN lets your intestines rest during healing. You can have TPN for days, weeks, or as long as needed. When your body is able to digest food, your doctor will stop giving … to Expect You won't feel any pain from the tube inside your body. The port may feel uncomfortable at first. But you will …
Health topics
… try to go again. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They make your body try to get rid of water and can make you urinate more … prostate. Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP). During this procedure, incisions are made in the prostate to … the symptoms. John, age 56 I've adapted pretty well to the changes in my urination. Instead of standing there waiting …
Health topics
… liquid soap, or wipes). "No-tears" or no-rinse shampoo. Body lotion for dry skin. A waterproof mat or sheet to keep … are able. Cover the person with a towel, exposing only the body parts being washed. For example, uncover an arm, wash … and the clear water. Start with the cleanest areas of the body and finish with the areas that are less clean. After …