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Health topics
… Test On this page: Overview Overview When muscles use energy, they release a waste product called … called the creatinine clearance value . If the kidneys are damaged by pre-eclampsia , the creatinine clearance value … called the creatinine clearance value . If the kidneys are damaged by pre-eclampsia , the creatinine clearance value …
Health topics
… (e.g. Dilaudid), and oxycodone (e.g. Percocet). When prescribed, they are often used after surgery and for … also have major risks. Fentanyl and other opioids are safe when they are used under medical supervision. However, when illicit opioids are used without supervision, overdoses …
Health topics
… flow from your upper heart chamber to your lower chamber. When you have mitral valve prolapse (MVP), the valve closes … the heart. This valve has two leaflets, or flaps, that open when the heart relaxes and close when it contracts. The base of each leaflet is attached to …
Health topics
… Acute coronary syndrome is an emergency. It happens when the heart is not getting enough blood. The coronary … a coronary artery has been blocked and the heart has been damaged. Without blood flow and oxygen, part of the heart … proteins. The heart releases these substances when it's damaged. You may have imaging tests that show how well your …
Health topics
… means that your body makes too little thyroid hormone. When you have hypothyroidism, you need to take thyroid … and you may have a relapse . FAQs What is hyperthyroidism? When you have hyperthyroidism, your thyroid gland makes too … muscle and bone strength, and cholesterol levels. When you have too much thyroid hormone, all of your body's …
Health topics
… it hard to do your normal activities, surgery is an option when other treatments haven't helped. Over the long term, … the spine and keep the spine flexible. But when a disc is damaged, it may bulge or break open. This is called a … the spine and keep the spine flexible. But when a disc is damaged, it may bulge or break open. This is called a …
Health topics
… at home and head wounds that need emergency treatment. When emergency treatment is necessary If a cut from a head … at home and head wounds that need emergency treatment. When emergency treatment is necessary If a cut from a head …
Health topics
… may also damage the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung. When these air sacs break down, larger airspaces known as … helpful. In this case, other areas of the lung often become damaged after the surgery. The best surgical results happen … helpful. In this case, other areas of the lung often become damaged after the surgery. The best surgical results happen …
Health topics
… blood cells fight infection and cause the blood to clot. When blood cells are affected by chemo, you are more likely … rare. But there have been cases where the heart has been damaged or a second cancer such as leukemia has developed. … rare. But there have been cases where the heart has been damaged or a second cancer such as leukemia has developed. …