3982 results found
Health topics
… Is this topic for you? This topic is about ringworm of the scalp or beard. To … ringworm of the scalp or beard? Ringworm is an infection on your skin, hair, or nails. It's caused by a fungus . The … animals, and personal items. Children are more likely to get ringworm than adults. When adults do get infected, they …
Health topics
… on a painful joint or limb. Using a walking aid can help you be more safe and independent in your daily activities. Almost everyone has used a walking … pets and small children. They can be unpredictable and get in your path when you least expect it. Be sure the …
Health topics
… Your Teen's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity On this … Overview Sexual orientation Sexual orientation means how you are attracted romantically and sexually to other people. … or their teachers. If you suspect your child is depressed, get help from a counsellor. Learn more and get involved. …
Health topics
… liver . And it can be deadly. Since toxic shock syndrome gets worse quickly, it requires medical treatment right … looks like a sunburn. The rash can be on several areas of your body or just in certain places, such as the armpits or … severe symptoms is one of the most important clues that you may have toxic shock syndrome. If you think you have …
Health topics
… or lumps in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not cancer … You are more likely to develop a thyroid nodule if: You are older. Thyroid nodules are more common in older people. You … increases your risk for thyroid nodules. You do not get enough iodine. Iodine deficiency is rare in Canada, but …
Health topics
… firm and tighten the skin of the face and neck. It can make you look younger. It may remove many wrinkles, but it does not change the texture of your skin. You will get medicine before surgery to make you sleep or feel … new position. Why It Is Done Face-lifts are done to make an older face look younger by getting rid of wrinkles, lifting …
Health topics
… Medicine and diet therapy are most effective when used together in the treatment of heart failure. Taking your medicines and following the diet your doctor has recommended for you will make it easier for …
Health topics
… of time. Sometimes a baby's forehead, cheek, or ear may get pushed forward a bit on one side. The condition is also … positional plagiocephaly. Flat head syndrome doesn't hurt your baby. And in most children it goes away on its own when … usually minor. Most of the time it's covered by hair as your child grows. What causes it? The shape of a newborn's …
Health topics
… from parents or caregivers, worrying about school and getting along with others, worrying about their changing … Ways parents can help Reduce the amount of stress in your lives Acknowledge your child's feelings. When children … outdoor play, and solo and group sports. Write or draw. Older children often find it helpful to write about the …
Health topics
… implants are shaped like crescents or half-circles. After you get local anesthesia , two implants are inserted in each … to be permanent. But they can be surgically removed if you are not happy with the results. What To Expect Surgical …