1479 results found
Health topics
… child's brain develop, play or read together instead of letting your child watch TV, watch movies, or play games on … talking. Ask your child a question and wait for an answer. Let him or her take the lead in conversations. For example, … child's brain develop, play or read together instead of letting your child watch TV, watch movies, or play games on …
Health topics
… a flat surface and slide the cover over the needle without letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your … of infection at the place where you have given the shot. Let your doctor know if you have signs of an infection. … a flat surface and slide the cover over the needle without letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your …
Health topics
… with them at home. Here are some of the steps you can take: Let children know that you expect them to try their best. Let them know that success is possible and that they will … with them at home. Here are some of the steps you can take: Let children know that you expect them to try their best. …
Health topics
… being physically active in cooler weather. Warm up and cool down thoroughly Take time for your body to prepare for and … yoga mats, swim goggles, snowshoes, a hockey stick, athletic socks, exercise bands, a stability ball, tickets to a …
Health topics
… baby has been found to have a genetic condition, such as Down syndrome , or a heart, lung, or kidney problem. You had … your doctor's instructions for activity. Your doctor will let you know if you can work and exercise. Do not smoke. If … your doctor's instructions for activity. Your doctor will let you know if you can work and exercise. Do not smoke. If …
Health topics
… drop to a very low level. Keep some glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or other quick-sugar foods with you at all … blood sugar. Be prepared Keep some glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or quick-sugar foods with you at all times. … blood sugar. Keep a record of low blood sugar levels. Write down your symptoms and how you treated your low blood sugar. …
Health topics
… like crazy. With the book came a note from Laura. It said, "Let's still be doing this 18 years from now." "I looked at … body weight. "It hasn't been easy. I've had some ups and downs, especially over the holidays. Hey, I love to eat. … like crazy. With the book came a note from Laura. It said, "Let's still be doing this 18 years from now." "I looked at …
Health topics
… carry them out. Use a parent-teen contract to write down expected behaviours and consequences if the plan isn't … Offer another idea. "I'd rather play video games" or "Let's listen to some music." By doing this, you might also … Offer another idea. "I'd rather play video games" or "Let's listen to some music." By doing this, you might also …
Health topics
… heart rate, a cough, and trouble breathing when you lie down. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … talk to your doctor. Take your medicines as prescribed. Let your doctor know if you are having problems with … talk to your doctor. Take your medicines as prescribed. Let your doctor know if you are having problems with …
Health topics
… children younger than age 4 unless the food is chopped completely. Foods that can be choking hazards include: Seeds … only in the kitchen or dining room. Be sure your child sits down while eating and that they chew carefully. Don't allow … eggshells. Test small objects by passing them through a toilet-paper tube. If small objects fit inside, they could …