2916 results found
Health topics
… medical care right away. If it is not treated, the illness gets worse fast and can be life-threatening. But most people who are treated with antibiotics get better. How is it treated? The infection is usually … called paracentesis (say "pair-uh-sen-TEE-sus") to get a sample of fluid from your belly. The fluid can be …
Health topics
… energy for physical activity. To have energy, you need to get the right amount of: Protein. It maintains and rebuilds … group most days. Variety within each food group, such as vegetables or fruits, ensures that you will get all the nutrients you need. No one food provides every …
Health topics
… physically active means doing any kind of activity that gets your body moving. The types of physical activity that can help you get fit and stay healthy include: Aerobic or "cardio" … to your overall fitness. Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Office Ergonomics Current …
Health topics
… within 5 to 15 minutes. What about side effects? You may get anxious or have tremors (for example, you may have … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side effect you didn't expect. Medicines may also …
Health topics
… dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … the following: For men: Your breasts may become sore or get bigger. You may also have symptoms of an enlarged … may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side effect you didn't expect. Medicines may also …
Health topics
… because it keeps organs like the brain and kidneys from getting the oxygen they need to work. ARDS occurs most often … serious illness or injury. Most of the time, people who get ARDS are already in the hospital for another reason. … is treated in the intensive care unit. Treatment focuses on getting oxygen to the lungs and other organs, and then …
Health topics
… phase. Pain, if present during the acute phase, usually gets better or goes away completely. How is it diagnosed? … disease treated? Peyronie's disease usually doesn't get better on its own. For men who have a slight curve that isn't getting worse and who have good erectile function, treatment …
Health topics
… may be very small or bigger than a cherry. Ganglions may get bigger as activity increases and more fluid collects in … shrink and may break and go away on their own. Anyone can get a ganglion, but children don't usually have them. What … But sometimes they're tender to the touch. The pain may get worse with activity or pressure. If the ganglion puts …
Health topics
… numbers are lower than normal when you have COPD, and they get lower as the disease gets worse. These numbers are usually stated in the form of … this stage may think that their symptoms are just part of getting older. Severe COPD (grade 3) 30% to 49%. At this …
Health topics
… After removing the bone wedge, your surgeon will bring together the remaining bones and secure them, most often with … After removing the bone wedge, your surgeon will bring together the remaining bones and secure them, most often with …