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Health topics
… Started Getting Started Social media and news can help you stay connected. But all that information can also be … in your community. If so, use it only for that. Log off when you have the info you need. If you're trying to stay caught up on the day's …
Health topics
… It can take some time to recover. But treatment can help you get back some strength and mobility. What causes it? … Doctors use X-rays to diagnose a broken hip. You may need another test if your doctor thinks that you have a … bone are replaced. Total hip replacement is often done when the fractured bones can't be properly lined up. Your …
Health topics
… This keeps sperm from reaching a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be done at your doctor's office or clinic. It takes about 30 minutes. … your sperm count is zero, no other birth control method is needed. Most people go back to the doctor's office to have …
Health topics
… Talking or writing about wanting to die or to hurt or kill themselves or someone else. Saying they feel hopeless, … Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a … with a serious physical illness, such as cancer or heart disease, or a new physical disability. Severe and …
Health topics
… Your aorta is a large artery that carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. To do the … a surgery. If you are able and willing to have the yearly tests that are needed after endovascular repair. Testing is done less often after an open repair. How Well It Works When an aortic aneurysm is at risk of rupturing, or bursting …
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine … way it should. So if you have high blood pressure or other heart or blood vessel problems, you need to be careful with OTC medicines. That includes natural …
Health topics
… tremor is a movement disorder. It's a type of shaking that you can't control. It may start in the hand or fingers. The … head, or torso. It can make your voice shaky. It happens when trying to use the affected body part. How is it … muscle strength and reflexes. You may have lab or imaging tests to see if something else is causing it. How is …
Health topics
… genital area. The bumps may become inflamed and turn red as your body fights the virus. People who have a weakened … immune system may have dozens of larger bumps. These may need special treatment. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose … Cover the bumps with a bandage, medical tape, or clothing when around other people. Don't share towels or face cloths. …
Health topics
… of the arms, legs, and trunk and the muscles that help you breathe. In foodborne botulism, symptoms generally begin … will start before your doctor gets the results. Other tests that may be done include a brain scan and a spinal … You can prevent botulism by following strict procedures when canning and by boiling home-canned food for 10 minutes …
Health topics
… of the rapid changes and intensity of labour at this time, you may not get much relief from pain and discomfort between … and lasting 60 seconds. Healthcare provider monitors fetal heart rate every 15-30 minutes. Tips for you and your support person Women in the transition phase need a great deal of support. Picture your cervix and body …