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3924 results found
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. During the procedure, small, thin, … to diet and exercise. These areas are often on the outer thighs and hips on women and the waist and back on men. The … your risks go up. Possible complications include: Excessive blood and fluid loss, leading to shock. But this is …
Health topics
… bent-back position. Wearing a wrist splint minimizes pressure on the median nerve and allows you a period of … the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on the median nerve. A wrist splint isn't a … bent-back position. Wearing a wrist splint minimizes pressure on the median nerve and allows you a period of …
Health topics
… disc can occur from: A sudden, heavy strain or increased pressure to the lower back. Sometimes a sudden twisting … discs from absorbing all the nutrients they need from the blood. This can make an injured disc more likely. Being … start in the buttock or behind the knee and extend to the thigh, ankle, or foot. Pain in the front of the thigh. Severe …
Health topics
… eggs and sperm) are then injected into the fallopian tubes using a surgical procedure called laparoscopy . The doctor … tube before cell division occurs. These procedures have higher costs and risks related to laparoscopy. And they … demanding. Superovulation with hormones requires regular blood tests and frequent monitoring by your doctor. It also …
Health topics
… surgery to make sure their glaucoma is controlled. The pressure in their eyes needs to be measured frequently. Why … children who didn't have glaucoma at birth. footnote 1 If pressure in the eye increases, the procedure may need to be … surgery to make sure their glaucoma is controlled. The pressure in their eyes needs to be measured frequently. Why …
Health topics
… to feel real benefits over time. Within a few hours, your blood pressure will go down and you'll have more energy. In about … for a healthy start. How can you quit? Having a plan and using medicines can help you quit. A quit plan helps you …
Health topics
… of urine when you do something that puts stress, strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, … must then do all the work of holding urine in. The extra pressure when you sneeze, cough, or strain forces urine past … of urine when you do something that puts stress, strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, …
Health topics
… longer than 24 hours. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood that keep many systems in your body working smoothly. … yogurt, applesauce, bananas, and rice. Avoid spicy, hot, or high-fat foods, and do not drink alcohol or caffeine for a … and countertops often with hot, soapy water. Consider using disinfectant sprays or wipes on your counters. Keep …
Health topics
… the virus from multiplying. When the amount of HIV in the blood is minimized, the immune system has a chance to … the mother. Planned caesarean delivery for women who have a high viral load . This means they have a higher risk for infecting their babies. Antiretroviral …
Health topics
… on the inside of your wrist Check bath water temperature by using your elbow Keep the temperature in your hot water … your older children do this as well. Cleanliness -  wash high chairs, bibs, and eating areas with warm water and soap … These can be dangerous for babies, interfering with the blood's ability to carry oxygen. In severe cases, this can …