2717 results found
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… of 10 had one or more moderate or severe problems by the time they were age 8. footnote 3 These problems included … of 10 had one or more moderate or severe problems by the time they were age 8. footnote 3 These problems included …
Health topics
… eye. Flush the eye with cool water until help arrives. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that … eye. Flush the eye with cool water until help arrives. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1. They may think that …
Health topics
… than one baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that you can't keep up with …
Health topics
… in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. The movement may feel like … rather than kicks. Your baby may move more at certain times of the day. When you are active, you may notice less … trimester, your doctor may ask you to count the number of times you feel your baby move. How do you count fetal kicks? …
Health topics
… natural shift in roles. It's likely that you will have less time to pay attention to each other. And your expectations … children already, then you know about the limits to "couple time" that parents have. Being a parent puts demands on your time. So make sure to schedule some adult time together too. …
Health topics
… Overview Most people will have a minor neck problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms can develop from everyday wear and tear, … with your neck twisted or bent. Spending long periods of time resting your forehead on your upright fist or arm …
Health topics
… You can use this information to avoid a similar result next time. Many things can interfere with meeting your goal to … For example: Stay away from people who give you a hard time about drinking less. Spend time with people who support your desire to cut back on …
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