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Health topics
… are obvious from birth, while others emerge over time. Your toddler’s temperament may be seen in a number of … easier. Your home environment and who your toddler spends time with will affect her temperament, but mostly, it's just … explore If your toddler must be still for a period of time, provide playdough, books or push toys to keep her …
Health topics
… these exercises then putting ice on your ankle, up to 5 times a day. These are easy to do while you are at a desk or … ankle movement in all directions. Trace the alphabet 1 to 3 times. Sit in a chair with your foot flat on the floor. … Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds, and repeat 2 to 4 times. In moderate to severe ankle sprains, it may be too …
Health topics
… get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day. Sleep gives your brain time to grow and repair cells and rebuild your energy. Lack of sleep over time can cause sleep deprivation, or sleep debt. This … Improving your sleep We all have trouble sleeping sometimes. Whatever the cause, there are things you can do to …
Health topics
… with them is one way. But this may feel tough at times, especially when the illness makes it harder for your … avoid arguing. If you're feeling too emotional, take some time alone before talking. Try to empathize with them. You … could do things like watch a movie, play a game, or spend time outdoors. Build a support system. Make sure you both …
Health topics
… fitness. Chronic disease Any disease that lasts a long time, progresses slowly, doesn't usually improve and is … make up physical activity. F = Frequency (the number of times per week you're active) I = Intensity (how much effort you put into an activity) T = Time (how long you do an activity) T = Type (the kind of …
Health topics
… Fibroids often cause mild symptoms or none at all. But sometimes the symptoms become a problem. The types of symptoms … They can alter the shape of the uterus as they grow. Over time, the size, shape, location, and symptoms of fibroids … before the start of menstrual periods (puberty). They sometimes grow larger during the first trimester of pregnancy, …
Health topics
… the liver. Most people who get it have it for a short time and then get better. This is called acute hepatitis B. Sometimes the virus causes a long-term infection, called chronic hepatitis B. Over time, it can damage your liver. Babies and young children …
Health topics
… or outdoors or is stored too long before you eat it. Sometimes foodborne illness happens when people don't wash their hands before they touch food. Most of the time, foodborne illness is mild and goes away after a few … and whether anyone who ate the same foods is also sick. Sometimes the doctor will take stool or blood samples to be …
Health topics
… Surgery. The doctor may be able to remove the tumour. Sometimes part or all of the bladder has to be removed. Other … Meditation Getting Support Relationships take on new importance when you're faced with cancer. Your family and … Meditation Getting Support Relationships take on new importance when you're faced with cancer. Your family and …
Health topics
… as a child age 5 or older wetting the bed at least 1 or 2 times a week over at least 3 months. In some cases, the … also start after a child has been dry at night for a long time. Wetting the bed can be upsetting, especially for an … who are this age will learn to control their bladders over time without treatment. But if your child older than 7 wets …