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Health topics
… personal decision. Some women feel better about themselves when their clothes fit just as they did before surgery. Other women feel comfortable just as they are. You can buy these forms already made, or they can be …
Health topics
… Overview Taking antiretroviral medicines for HIV can help you stay healthy and live about as long as someone without HIV. Often the medicines are combined in a single pill. Most of the time, they are taken once or twice a day. For …
Health topics
… Pumping breast milk Last updated August 12, 2012 Once you have your breastfeeding routine well established - … well enough. Examples include preterm or sick babies or when mother and baby are separated. Optional: You choose to pump because you
Health topics
… What is a phobia? Having a phobia means you are extremely afraid of a specific object, situation, or … most people feel worry and stress at some time, such as when speaking in front of a large group of people. People …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the … your wrist. What causes it? Most scaphoid fractures occur when you stretch your hand out in front of you to protect … also occur as a result of a car crash or a fistfight. What are the symptoms? Because most scaphoid fractures do not …
Health topics
… like a fast heartbeat and sweaty hands. It can make you limit your activities and can make it hard to enjoy your … The next step is to ask yourself whether your thoughts are helpful or unhelpful. Look at what you're saying to … get a perfect job review, then I'll lose my job." Reality: Most performance reviews include some constructive …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Counting your baby's movements is one way your doctor can tell that … kicks. Your baby may move more at certain times of the day. When you are active, you may notice less movement than when you are
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Some people who are critically ill need an organ transplant to live. But … Many people choose to donate organs upon their death. If you decide to become an organ donor, you won't be denied life-saving care when you need it. Provincial laws and emergency medical …
Health topics
… exercise. It's also called exercise-induced bronchospasm. When you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced. … may be rapid or shallow. You also may cough or wheeze. What are the symptoms? Most people with exercise-induced asthma …
Health topics
… A hiatal hernia (say "hi-AY-tul HER-nee-uh") happens when part of your stomach bulges up through the diaphragm and into your … is the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. There are three main types of hiatal hernia: sliding, …