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Health topics
… compared to his or her height. If you are concerned that your child is—or could become—overweight, talk with your doctor about your child's growth and medical history. Medical and family …
Health topics
… birth, low birth weight, and health problems for you and your babies. And it raises the risk of one or more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and decrease the chances of …
Health topics
… and low-fat dairy products. Protein may interfere with how your body absorbs levodopa. This can make the effects of the medicine less predictable. It may be helpful to spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day. It is also recommended that you take your levodopa 30 minutes before or 1 hour after you eat a …
Health topics
… effects. If test results, including the Gleason score from your prostate biopsy, show this is an option for you, talk to your doctor. To help you make your decision, discuss: The risk that the cancer will grow. …
Health topics
… one, an opportunity, or a valued way of life. If you find yourself feeling guilty about a past action or inaction, set aside time to think about your feelings and work through the following exercise. Write … more clearly and think of a better way to handle it. Remind yourself that you did the best you could, given your
Health topics
… shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred shoulder pain. …
Health topics
… Overview Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which your fallopian tubes are blocked, cut, or sealed. It's done to prevent your eggs from travelling from your ovaries into the fallopian tubes, where they could be …
Health topics
… have vaginal dryness around the time of menopause. Or if your ovaries were removed during a hysterectomy … The estrogen affects only the vaginal area. Talk with your doctor if you have any problems during intercourse … If you have other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about systemic estrogen therapy (ET) and other …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your risk for colorectal cancer gets higher as you get … screening for adults ages 50 to 74. footnote 1 Talk with your doctor about your risk and when to start and stop screening. You may have …
Health topics
… Self-Care Supplies On this page: Overview Overview More of your health care takes place in your home than anywhere else. Having the right tools, … supplies, and information on hand is important for your self-care. Most of the items below don't cost a lot. …