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Health topics
… Overview Improper posture may put too much stress on your back and neck. The key to good back posture is to keep the right amount of curve in your lower back. A healthy back has three natural … called the neutral position. "Good posture" generally means your ears, shoulders, and hips are in a straight line. Think …
Health topics
… Overview The kidneys and liver are essential for cleaning your blood, maintaining fluid balance, and breaking down the … you eat. If you have kidney or liver problems, changing your diet can help protect these organs and improve their … Chronic kidney disease Having chronic kidney disease means your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should to filter …
Health topics
… tend to go through phases of picky eating. Don't force your child to eat. Instead, try to offer a variety of fun, nutritious choices. Try these creative snack ideas. Your child may enjoy them even more if you let your child make them. Ants on a log. Fill a celery stick …
Health topics
… or a female family member who was diagnosed before age 65. Your age, sex, and race can also raise your risk. For example, your risk increases as you get older. You can help prevent …
Health topics
… healing time than light or medium peels. Before the peel Your doctor can help you decide what depth of peel and what … type of chemical is best for you. This decision is based on your skin type, which areas you want peeled, and what kind … you want. You will be given instructions on how to prepare your skin before the peel. How a peel is done You may be …
Health topics
… instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding … These include: The location and extent of the disease. Your general health. Whether you have scar tissue in the area from previous surgery. Your doctor's expertise and experience. Sometimes a …
Health topics
… Works Risks Treatment Overview Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. During the procedure, small, thin, … liposuction. A local anesthetic is used to numb the area of your body where the tube will be inserted. Next, a large … all the time, except when taking a shower, for as long as your doctor says. Expect a lot of bruising and swelling for …
Health topics
… be caused by a lack of sunlight. Lack of light may upset your "biological clock," which controls your sleep-wake pattern and other circadian rhythms . Lack … may feel sad, grumpy, or anxious. You may lose interest in your usual activities, or you may gain weight. You may eat …
Health topics
… benefit by learning as much as you can and taking care of yourself. Learn all you can about the type of dementia your loved one has and what the future may bring. … information on support groups and services. Taking care of yourself when you're a caregiver Taking care of yourself is …
Health topics
… fabric that insulates well, such as polypropylene. Cover your head. If dry clothing is not immediately available, you … Move around, but don't be so active that you sweat. Whirl your arms around like a windmill to get your blood moving and warm you up. Activity makes body heat …