1070 results found
Health topics
… problems. Changes in life's expectations or demands may lead to stress. Work, financial problems, family … problems. Changes in life's expectations or demands may lead to stress. Work, financial problems, family …
Health topics
… also strengthen the knee and the muscles around it, leading to better knee stability. Your doctor or … also strengthen the knee and the muscles around it, leading to better knee stability. Your doctor or …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding may stimulate uterine contractions, which can lead to premature birth. You need additional calories and … Breastfeeding may stimulate uterine contractions, which can lead to premature birth. You need additional calories and …
Health topics
… Either condition may come first. Substance use disorder may lead to symptoms such as depression or anxiety. Or people … Either condition may come first. Substance use disorder may lead to symptoms such as depression or anxiety. Or people …
Health topics
… bad for your heart. If you have heart disease, stress can lead to angina symptoms and maybe a heart attack. Taking … bad for your heart. If you have heart disease, stress can lead to angina symptoms and maybe a heart attack. Taking …
Health topics
… just the tumour rather than the whole prostate. This may lead to fewer side effects, but the risk of cancer coming … just the tumour rather than the whole prostate. This may lead to fewer side effects, but the risk of cancer coming …
Health topics
… liver and intestines, and they may swell. This swelling can lead to nausea and decreased appetite. Poor blood flow or … liver and intestines, and they may swell. This swelling can lead to nausea and decreased appetite. Poor blood flow or …
Health topics
… someone can recover from anorexia. Untreated anorexia can lead to starvation and serious health problems, such as bone … strict weight-loss diet. Over time, severely limiting foods leads to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss. As … mouth, skin, and hair for problems from malnutrition. Screening questions about your eating habits and how you …
Health topics
… other adults. If this hostile behaviour gets worse, it can lead to a more serious problem called conduct disorder . … use disorder , dropping out of school, and crime (which can lead to paying a large fine, losing your driver's licence, … to treat a mood disorder or another condition that may lead to aggressive behaviour. Counselling can help parents …
Health topics
… from your bones. That means that hyperparathyroidism can lead to weak bones and a greater risk of broken bones. The extra calcium in the blood can also lead to kidney stones and other health problems. What causes … from your bones. That means that hyperparathyroidism can lead to weak bones and a greater risk of broken bones. The …