2344 results found
Health topics
… into muscle and bone. These problems are hard to treat and slow to heal. When pressure injuries don't heal well, they … injuries usually occur over bony areas, such as the hips, lower back, elbows, heels, and shoulders. They can also occur in …
Health topics
… safe. These include taking precautions like wearing low-heeled shoes that fit well and keeping walkways clear of … can reduce your risk of injury when you have vertigo by following these suggestions. Avoid driving. Avoid working at heights. Wear shoes with low heels and non-slip soles. Keep your shoes tied. Alert …
Health topics
… the clear thin covering over the sclera. This new opening allows fluid ( aqueous humour ) to drain out of the eye, … there is mild discomfort after a trabeculectomy. Severe pain may be a sign of complications. If you have severe pain … surgery (common). Continued changes in the nerve at the back of the eye related to glaucoma. Infection. Droopy …
Health topics
… also causes seizures and makes it hard for you to swallow or breathe. In Canada, most people have had shots to … You also may have trouble swallowing and/or a stiff neck, back, or shoulders. As the toxin spreads, it can be deadly. … your blood pressure and heart rate. It can cause severe and painful muscle spasms in your neck, arms, legs, and belly. …
Health topics
… Children with special needs Federal and provincial laws allow equal access to public education and other services such … the qualities you want in a caregiver, such as educational background and experience. Look for hidden costs. Consider … a personal interview with each of your top choices. Allow enough time for the applicant to be introduced to your …
Health topics
… polymyalgia rheumatica . Thyroid hormone tests to check for low or high thyroid gland activity. Thyroid problems can … muscle soreness. A blood calcium level test to check for a low or high calcium level. A low level can cause muscle cramps. A high level may mean you …
Health topics
… You may feel very tired or very weak. Or you may have chest pain that often feels worse when you cough or breathe in. … and influenza (flu) vaccines can help. You can also lower your chances of getting pneumonia by avoiding … confuse mucus from your lungs with mucus running down the back of your throat from your nasal passages (post-nasal …
Health topics
… to go out and what will happen afterwards. It's given me back at least a little feeling of control."— Avery, 81 "My … up on life. Some think that hospice palliative care means a lower level of medical care. But hospice palliative care is … usually include: Basic medical care with a focus on pain and symptom control. Medical supplies and equipment as …
Health topics
… include a heart device, such as a pacemaker. Treatment can slow the disease, help you feel better, and help keep you out … (fatigue), heart palpitations , trouble breathing, or chest pain. Ordinary physical activity includes activities like … emergency care. Then, after treatment, your symptoms may go back to being stable (which means they stay the same) for a …
Health topics
… Overview The DASH diet is an eating plan that can help lower your blood pressure. DASH stands for Dietary … Hypertension. It includes eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy foods. It also includes eating … skinless chicken breast 1 pita bread 1 tablespoon (15 mL) low-fat mayonnaise Raw vegetables: 3 or 4 carrot sticks, …