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Health topics
… becomes a fetus instead becomes an abnormal growth in your uterus. Even though it isn't an embryo , this growth … pregnancy. But this is very rare. Things that may increase your risk of having a molar pregnancy include: Age. The risk … multiple pregnancy, or a miscarriage. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can find a molar pregnancy with: A blood test to …
Health topics
… staying awake or alert when you are supposed to work your shift. You may not be able to sleep during the day, and … do get. Shift work sleep disorder involves a problem with your body's 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. Light is a cue to be awake, while dark tells your body to sleep. When you work at night and sleep during …
Health topics
… Overview Aerobic exercises increase the flow of oxygen to your muscles. This allows your muscles to work longer, helping you do more activities … can also be aerobic. These activities include walking your dog, doing housework, and playing with children. …
Health topics
… get good at removing bilirubin from the blood. If you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours, mild jaundice will usually go away on its own after a few days. But if your baby has any signs of jaundice, you and your doctor will need to watch him or her closely. If …
Health topics
… a one-way valve between the esophagus and the stomach. When your child swallows, the valve lets food pass into the … until it goes away. For example, it may help to: Burp your baby a few times during each feeding. Keep your baby upright for 30 minutes after each feeding. Avoid a …
Health topics
… everyone. Being active can help you stay healthy, control your weight, and get the most out of life. No matter what your age or condition, there is a type of exercise that's … Staying Active Quick Tips: Fitting Physical Activity Into Your Day Weight Management Fitness: Walking for Wellness …
Health topics
… is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones. It means you have bones that are thin and … by a lack of bone strength or bone density . As you age, your bones get thinner naturally. But some things can make … you can't change. Risk factors you can't change include: Your age. Your risk for osteoporosis goes up as you get …
Health topics
… pain when you walk or wear shoes. Calluses usually form on your hands or feet. They usually don't hurt. Corns have an … core that can be soft or hard. Soft corns are found between your toes. Hard corns may form on the tops of your toes. Corns caused by poorly fitting shoes will often …
Health topics
… room temperature, or within 24 hours if refrigerated. Let your stomach rest. Start to eat small amounts of mild foods if you feel like it. After your diarrhea is gone, you may eat a regular diet again. … younger are at high risk of dehydration from diarrhea. If your child has diarrhea: Give your child a solution of WHO …
Health topics
… is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your chances for developing emphysema. Alpha-1 antitrypsin … are a carrier . The good copy of the gene you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly make alpha-1 antitrypsin. Some …