2881 results found
Health topics
… What increases your risk for thyroid nodules? You are more likely to develop a thyroid nodule if: You are older. Thyroid nodules are more common in older people. You are female. Women are more likely than men to develop thyroid nodules. You have …
Health topics
… people in Canada or the United States to get rabies. It is more common in developing nations. What causes it? People … or weakness, or strange behaviour. Later, symptoms become more serious and can include restlessness, paralysis, … America. Contact your doctor or public health unit for more information. Animal and Human Bites …
Health topics
… around the mouth and eyes. It also gives scarred skin a more uniform look. The removal of scars, growths on the … The risk of scarring is higher with deeper abrasions and is more likely to occur in bony areas. Lasting redness. Long-term loss of colour in the skin. This is more of a problem in darker-skinned people. Current …
Health topics
… can do to make the times your child is wearing the patch more fun and to help make the treatment more effective. Help your child adjust to wearing the patch. … the weak eye work Patching treatment for amblyopia will be more effective if your child's weak eye has to work harder …
Health topics
… installed hook. Check your car owner's manual for more information. Don't buy a used car seat. If a car seat … for more information. The following guidelines are from … installed hook. Check your car owner's manual for more information. Don't buy a used car seat. If a car seat …
Health topics
… crack in the bone to the bone being broken into two or more pieces that no longer line up correctly. What causes a … is, and how bad the break is. Medical treatment is needed more often for a broken big toe than for the other toes. If … for 2 to 4 weeks to heal. If your injured toe hurts more after buddy taping it, take the tape off. Other …
Health topics
… If your seat angles down from front to back, create a more horizontal surface to sit on with a travel cushion or … tense as you walk. Comfortable sleeping positions To be more comfortable while you sleep, support your body so that … mattress, you may find that switching to a firmer one is more comfortable for your back. Current as of: …
Health topics
… side effects, reading this information can help you learn more about how to cope with them. Most side effects are … you can take for a headache. Loss of appetite Try to eat more often. Have healthy snacks between meals. Include … at each meal. Take a walk before you eat. This may make you more hungry. Nausea Eat several smaller meals a day rather …
Health topics
… There is feeling and movement below the level of injury. More than half of key muscles can move, but not against … There is feeling and movement below the level of injury. More than half of key muscles can move against gravity. E … The higher the damage occurs on the spinal cord, the more of the body is affected. This is because the nerves in …
Health topics
… go away but then return a few days later. You may have a more serious injury if you have: Severe pain in your neck. … can probably buy one at a drugstore. Do not wear the collar more than 2 or 3 days unless your doctor tells you to do so. … to heal, even though most pain may be gone in less time. More severe whiplash may take longer, but it usually …