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Health topics
… information, see the topic Fitness. Exercise your legs. When you are sitting down, rotate your feet at the ankles in … see the topic Weight Management . Elevate your legs When you elevate your legs, ideally at or above heart level, … and prevent or improve varicose veins: Prop up your legs when you are sitting. Use a footrest at work and a footstool …
Health topics
… incontinence means that you leak a small amount of urine when you do something that puts stress, strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, laugh, strain, lift something, or change … stress incontinence in men? Stress incontinence can happen when the prostate gland is removed or after radiation …
Health topics
… Preventing Slips or Relapses Actionset Overview A slip is when a smoker who has quit smokes one or two cigarettes. A … information also applies if you use smokeless tobacco products, such as chew or snuff. Most slips and relapses happen … information also applies if you use smokeless tobacco products, such as chew or snuff. Most slips and relapses happen …
Health topics
… Your treatment goals. A list of your asthma medicines and when to take them. How to treat symptoms before you have an … or your peak flow, or both. It tells you what to do when you're in each zone. Using an asthma action plan Using … medicine you took for quick relief. Follow your action plan when you are having symptoms. Check yourself for asthma …
Health topics
… supports the radial bone then slips into the elbow joint. When this happens, the radial bone can't move back into its … elbow usually occurs in young children. It happens when a young child is pulled or lifted by the hand or wrist … For example, the bone can pull out of position, or sublux, when you try to lift a child up onto a sidewalk by the hand. …
Health topics
… a long list of changes, so it's not always easy to know when to call your healthcare provider. Here's a look at some … bleeding in the second or third trimester may be serious. When you call your healthcare provider, let them know the … pink, brown or red? Are there any clots in the blood? When did it start? What were you doing when it started? How …
Health topics
… medicine for diabetes, include instructions on how and when to give the medicine, how much to give, and how to … it. Make a list of foods your child can eat, how much, and when. Also list foods your child can have for special … may need his or her blood sugar tested before lunch and when he or she has symptoms of low blood sugar. Symptoms of …
Health topics
… Last updated October 1, 2023 Chronic Kidney Disease happens when there is kidney damage, or decreased kidney function, … the kidneys cannot effectively filter blood on their own. When this happens, people can be treated with dialysis, a … (National Kidney Foundation, USA) Basic information about when to start physical activity, how hard, how often and how …
Health topics
… are tiny glands in the neck, behind the thyroid gland. When they're too active, they make too much parathyroid … hormone helps control how much calcium is in your blood. When a parathyroid gland makes too much PTH, the amount of … Most people with hyperparathyroidism have no symptoms when they're diagnosed. But when it does cause symptoms, …
Health topics
… a popliteal cyst. What causes it? A Baker's cyst is caused when excess joint fluid is pushed into one of the small sacs of tissue behind the knee. When this sac fills with fluid and bulges out, it is called … symptoms unless the cyst becomes very large or it bursts. When symptoms occur, they may include: Tightness or …