3155 results found
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… Repaired ( grafted ) with bone from another part of the body or with man-made materials. The doctor may place a … immune system . Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial heart valve. … Repaired ( grafted ) with bone from another part of the body or with man-made materials. The doctor may place a …
Health topics
… to widen, or dilate. As a result, blood pools in the lower body and less blood goes to the brain. This reflex can be … stress test. A tilt table test. This test checks how your body responds to changes in position. Tests for nervous system problems, such …
Health topics
… thyroid tissue but does not harm other tissue in the body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , treatment … after treatment, the radioactive iodine will leave your body in your urine and saliva. How long it takes will depend … iodine faster than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the …
Health topics
… hormones and balance the fluids and chemicals in your body. There are various problems which can affect your …
Health topics
… Overview Immunotherapy helps treat cancer by supporting the body's immune system . It can restore, boost, or redirect … Immunotherapy helps treat cancer by supporting the body's immune system. This type of treatment can restore, … like mine? How will this treatment help me? What happens during the treatment? How long will it take? How often and …
Health topics
… unit in the hospital in preparation for your return home. During your recovery from bypass surgery, you will hear one … have several tubes and monitors placed in and around your body to monitor your progress during recovery. Careful … have several tubes and monitors placed in and around your body to monitor your progress during recovery. Careful …
Health topics
… occur most often after waking up or while falling asleep. During a myoclonic seizure: The arms, legs, torso, or facial … muscles jerk rapidly as though they are being shocked. The body may jerk once or many times, on one or both sides of the body, in a rhythmic or random pattern. The person usually …
Health topics
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Health topics
… time, place, and situation (for example, after a meal or during a coffee break) for each time you use tobacco. The … time, place, and situation (for example, after a meal or during a coffee break) for each time you use tobacco. The …