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Health topics
… Most children who have Hirschsprung disease are diagnosed during their first year. A doctor may think that a child has … collected in a bag attached to the outside of the child's body. Some children have long-term (chronic) problems with … collected in a bag attached to the outside of the child's body. Some children have long-term (chronic) problems with …
Health topics
… done to find the cause of a different medical problem or during a screening examination. What causes it? The reason … takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the body. This puts more pressure on the walls of the colon. A … takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the body. This puts more pressure on the walls of the colon. A …
Health topics
… growing. It almost never spreads to other parts of the body. Squamous cell skin cancer . This type is less common. … problems. It sometimes spreads to other parts of the body. When found and treated early, most of these skin … being careful in the sun. For example, stay out of the sun during midday hours or seek shade. Wear sun-protective …
Health topics
… that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. Then the doctor moves the scope through your urethra … a stone. If this is done, the pieces will wash out of your body in your urine. You may be awake during the procedure. Or you may have medicine to make you …
Health topics
… intensity). Perceived exertion is how hard you think your body is exercising. Ratings on this scale are related to … (how hard your heart is working to move blood through your body). How to use the scale While you’re doing an activity, … of the number rating to get an estimate of your heart rate during activity (also known as training or target heart …
Health topics
… same. But afterward, males most often have the advantage. During these years of rapid physical growth, adolescents may … bodies. Their brains need time to adjust to the growing body. Strength can be increased further in both boys and … bodies. Their brains need time to adjust to the growing body. Strength can be increased further in both boys and …
Health topics
… weeks before they have surgery. If they need a transfusion during surgery, they can receive their own banked blood. … from immune system reactions. A reaction causes your body to form antibodies that attack the new blood cells. But … to treat blood loss or to supply blood components that your body cannot make for itself. Treating blood loss Blood loss …
Health topics
… fitness Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart … arms, legs, back, chest, and core. Do exercises using your body weight , like push-ups and leg lifts. Use stretchable … fitness Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart …
Health topics
… constipation and straining. Constipation and straining during bowel movements and urination causes increased … pressure inside the abdomen. Lift carefully. Use good body mechanics when you lift heavy objects. Lift with your … not bend over at the waist. Keep the load as close to your body as you can. Move your feet instead of turning or …
Health topics
… side effects. If you use too much heartburn medicine, your body may not get enough of some minerals from your food. … side effects. If you use too much heartburn medicine, your body may not get enough of some minerals from your food. …