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2123 results found
Health topics
… Managing risk factors becomes a powerful tool in preventing potential health challenges. Learning about how … Most of Your Appointment Organizing your Medical Records Preventing falls Your health information Health Gateway …
Health topics
… is used exactly as directed , it is about 74% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 26 out of 100 … not used exactly as directed ,it is about 68% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 32 out of 100 … is used exactly as directed , it is about 91% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 9 out of 100 …
Health topics
Health topics
… mantra (words spoken or sung in a pattern), or on your own breathing. Mindful meditation, such as mindfulness-based … your mind. Meditation usually involves slow, regular breathing and sitting quietly for at least 15 to 20 minutes. … usually involves sitting quietly for a period of time and breathing deeply, anyone who cannot sit comfortably or who …
Health topics
… removed, air may move through your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve obstructive … is narrow or blocked by tissue. After surgery, you may breathe more easily or even snore less. This surgery may not … in the nose and throat. Sleepiness and periods of not breathing (apnea) related to the medicines that are used to …
Health topics
… it harder to eat and drink. The person may also have bad breath for a few days after surgery. There is a very small … tonsil. The tonsils are so large that they affect nighttime breathing. This is called sleep apnea . Large tonsils are … the cut area falls off. Less common or rare risks include: Breathing problems from surgery. More serious bleeding. …
Health topics
… well does it work? Implants are more than 99% effective for preventing pregnancy. footnote 1 That means that fewer than … well does it work? Implants are more than 99% effective for preventing pregnancy. footnote 1 That means that fewer than …
Health topics
… and your muscles: Take 10 to 15 minutes to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Try to focus only on your breathing. If you can't keep thoughts away, think about … and your muscles: Take 10 to 15 minutes to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Try to focus only on your breathing. If you …