2017 results found
Health topics
… or endurance. It can also reduce the stress on a painful joint or limb. Using a walking aid can help you be … a cane If you are using a cane because one leg is weak or painful, hold the cane on the opposite side from the weak or painful leg. For example, if your right hip is sore, hold …
Health topics
… Decrease the feeling of pressure in the ears, which reduces pain. How Its Done Fluid buildup in the middle ear slide 1 … clinic. Children usually recover quickly and have little pain or other symptoms after surgery. Most children go home … decrease the feeling of pressure in the ears, which reduces pain. Doctors consider surgery to insert tubes: If a child …
Health topics
… therapies are treatments that use cold or heat to help with pain, soreness, muscle spasms, swelling, and inflammation. … spasms. Either cold or heat therapy may help with arthritis pain, cancer pain, low back pain, or soreness after exercise. Try both …
Health topics
… it again. What are the symptoms? Swimmer's ear can be very painful. The pain can get worse when you touch the earlobe or another … dry the ear after you shower. Take an over-the-counter pain medicine like acetaminophen (such as Tylenol), …
Health topics
… A sudden high fever, up to 41°C (106°F) . A headache. Eye pain. Joint and muscle pain. A rash. Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. The … blood. Stools that look like black tar. Severe belly pain. Signs of shock . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will …
Health topics
… bite during teething , because they feel discomfort or pain. The most common symptoms of teething include: … clean, damp, cold face cloth can also help relieve teething pain. Biting Teething Current as … bite during teething , because they feel discomfort or pain. The most common symptoms of teething include: …
Health topics
… in managing a health condition. Cancer: Controlling Cancer Pain Cancer: Controlling Nausea and Vomiting From … keep having fevers. You have night sweats. You have bone pain. You lose your appetite or lose weight without trying. You have swelling and pain in your belly. You have a new rash or skin changes. If …
Health topics
… if you experience angina symptoms (such as chest pain or pressure), feel faint or light-headed, or become … Stop if you're feeling especially tired or if you feel pain or extreme discomfort It's common to feel tired when … proper techniques and only use a range of motion that is pain-free Do a light activity one day, then a heavy activity …
Health topics
… might want to walk as much as possible or not be offered pain medication unless you request it. Other examples … an intravenous unless it is necessary My goal is to avoid pain medications, except perhaps Entonox near birth, if I … like your ideas and support for non-medical ways to manage pain Please help Tom in his efforts to help me We would like …
Health topics
… Overview Constipation may come and go and can cause pain and discomfort. But when it happens for weeks, months, … such as antidepressants, water pills (diuretics), iron, and pain medicines. Changes in your daily routines from travel … movements a week. You may also have straining or hard, painful stools. Some people also have bleeding from …