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Health topics
… you may be feeling excited or impatient to finally meet your baby. In the meantime, your body goes through tremendous physical changes. Learn … active Take a warm bath and stretch your lower leg area before going to bed Hemorrhoids Avoid constipation and …
Health topics
… you will be given a local anesthetic to numb (freeze) the area where the doctor will work on your gums. The doctor will pull back a section of your gums to clean the roots of your teeth and repair …
Health topics
… falling or being hit on the collarbone or in the shoulder area. Inability to raise the affected arm because of pain. A … pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by asking you questions and examining you. Your doctor will check: The affected area and look for a …
Health topics
… in the skin. What are the symptoms? At first, the infected area will be warm, red, swollen, and tender. If the … Doctors are often able to diagnose cellulitis based on your symptoms and a physical examination. In most cases, you … But tests sometimes may be done to find out what's causing your symptoms and to rule out other problems. For example, …
Health topics
… Hair loss is hair that is thinning or is falling out of your scalp. It's fairly common. Everyone loses some hair … up to 100 hairs a day is normal. But if hair loss runs in your family, you could lose a lot more hair. With this kind … hair all over your scalp, or you may lose hair only in one area. What does inherited hair loss look like? Inherited …
Health topics
… tachycardia (SVT) means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, … When to Call a Doctor Call 9-1-1 or seek emergency services immediately if you have a fast heart rate and you: … When to Call a Doctor Call 9-1-1 or seek emergency services immediately if you have a fast heart rate and you: …
Health topics
… decisions in case you can't think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your treatment goals. A list of your asthma medicines and when to take them. How to treat …
Health topics
… Overview The way you breathe affects your whole body. Full, deep breathing is a good way to … The object of roll breathing is to develop full use of your lungs and get in touch with the rhythm of your breathing. It can be practiced in any position, but it …
Health topics
… Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. You may be able to do some of the flexibility exercises yourself. A loved one or a physiotherapist or occupational … behind you that doesn't move. You can try the stretches in your wheelchair (make sure that it's firmly locked) or in a …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Wisdom Teeth: Should I Have My …