3998 results found
Health topics
… but may be another shape. Female black widows are usually about 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) long, but they may be smaller. Black … by a black widow spider. Get medical help immediately. Call your doctor, hospital, or local poison control centre. … the bite took place, and what you were doing at the time. Your doctor will ask what your main symptoms are, when they …
Health topics
… Works On this page: Overview Overview Your heart is divided into two separate pumping systems, the right side and the left side. The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up …
Health topics
… the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, the left side of your brain will be treated. What To Expect The surgery … 2-day hospital stay. Most people recover completely within about 6 weeks. Why It Is Done Thalamotomy is rarely done …
Health topics
… chest pain, fever, or a cough. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and past health and do a physical examination. …
Health topics
… Overview A normal heart rate for a healthy adult is between about 60 and 100 beats per minute. Heart rates of more than … of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants may help your heart rate return to normal. Cocaine, amphetamines, and … be sure you understand the seriousness of a change in your heart rate or rhythm. Change in …
Health topics
… if this is a regularly scheduled appointment with your health professional. What questions or concerns do I … for the disease or condition I have, such as instructions about monitoring my blood sugar if I have diabetes? Yes ___ … not to have the new treatment or test? Reminder Bring any records you have been keeping since your last visit, such as a …
Health topics
… fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Your diarrhea may be bloody, and you may feel sick to your stomach and vomit. The illness usually lasts 1 week. … history and a physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your …
Health topics
… replacement when you do not have enough thyroid hormones in your blood (hypothyroidism). Depending on the cause of your hypothyroidism , you may need to take thyroid hormones for the rest of your life. Thyroid hormones are usually taken by mouth. How …
Health topics
… Overview When you have asthma, certain things can make your symptoms worse. These things are called triggers. Things that you're allergic to can trigger your asthma. They may include: Dust. Dust mites. These are … (like dandruff) from dogs and cats. Indoor mould. Pollen. Your asthma can be triggered by other things too, such as: …
Health topics
… dangerous substances or methods as treatment for your baby who has colic . Potentially dangerous treatments … water. In some batches, alcohol is a main ingredient. Ask your baby's doctor before using gripe water. Medicines, such … serious and even deadly side effects in infants. If your doctor prescribes them to treat other symptoms your …