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Health topics
… on the skin. Normally it doesn't cause a problem. But sometimes it can lead to spots on the skin. This happens more … to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may …
Health topics
… penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when your body's immune system overreacts to these antibiotics. … and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your doctor's supervision. This lets your immune system "get … an allergic reaction. Or you may have lost the allergy over time. How is a penicillin allergy treated? The first thing …
Health topics
… Overview Most people who get COVID-19 will recover with time and home care. Here are some things to know if you're … may need medicine to prevent serious illness. Protecting yourself When you're caring for someone with COVID-19, keep … or spreading the infection. Here are some ways to protect yourself and others. Have the person stay in one room. If …
Health topics
… of the hip (DDH) is not known. But some things can raise your child's chances of having it, including: Having a … Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) isn't painful, and your baby may not have any obvious signs of a hip defect. … The harness is able to make the hips normal most of the time. A hard cast, known as a spica cast. This is used for …
Health topics
… replacement is an IOL. Before having surgery, review with your doctor the pros and cons of each type of replacement lens. A variety of IOL types are available. Your doctor can help you choose the type that may work best … and both near and far objects can be in focus at the same time. Your brain must learn to select the visual information …
Health topics
… choke on food and everyday objects. You can help prevent your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods … small children? Preventing choking on food To help prevent your child from choking on food, follow these basic food … pea is small. But a child who eats more than one pea at a time may choke. Whole carrots. A child may break off too big …
Health topics
… Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel like you have a cold or … a fever, chills, chest pain, a dry cough, and a rash. The time from contact with the fungus until symptoms start is …
Health topics
… random blood sugar (plasma glucose) test can be done at any time. It doesn't matter when you last ate. Your fasting blood sugar level is equal to or greater than … you don't eat or drink anything but water for 8 hours. Your 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result is equal to …
Health topics
… look like firm, raised, hard scars. They grow larger over time. Their colours vary from slightly pink to very dark. Keloids can rub against your clothes and become irritated, itchy, or painful. When … exposed to the sun, they may turn darker than the rest of your skin. The dark colour may stay. How is a keloid …
Health topics
… and the tissue covering the muscles within a very short time. The disease sometimes is called flesh-eating bacteria. … fasciitis are in good health before they get the infection. Your risk of getting this infection is higher if you: Have a … diabetes, cancer, or liver or kidney disease. Have cuts in your skin, including surgical wounds. Recently had …