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Health topics
… called cyclic breast changes, because they come and go with your menstrual cycle. Fibrocystic breast changes are normal … and harmless. They aren't cancer, and they don't increase your chance of getting breast cancer. But having fibrocystic … move if you push on them. Your symptoms get better by the time your period ends. Symptoms can be on one or both sides …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Thyroid surgery takes out part or all of your thyroid gland. The gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism). A doctor may … leave the hospital a day or two after surgery. How much time you spend in the hospital and how fast you recover …
Health topics
… too much bleeding, which can be dangerous for both you and your baby. The placenta may separate too early from the wall … likely to have it if you: Have had a surgery that affected your uterus, such as a D&C or surgery to remove uterine … do a C-section when there is a placenta previa at the time of delivery. A vaginal delivery could disturb the …
Health topics
… near vision. As you approach middle age, the lenses in your eyes begin to thicken and lose their flexibility. This makes it harder for your eyes to focus on objects at varying distances. … weaker eye. Your prescription may have to be changed over time as presbyopia gets worse. If you don't want to wear …
Health topics
… . If you have a family history of PKU, talk with your doctor about genetic testing if you want to find out … start to appear within a few months after birth. (It takes time for the phenylalanine to build up in the baby's body.) … 1 If the phenylketonuria (PKU) screening test shows that your baby has a phenylalanine problem, the doctor will do …
Health topics
… Hyperparathyroidism means that one or more of your four parathyroid glands may be too active. These are … (PTH). This hormone helps control how much calcium is in your blood. When a parathyroid gland makes too much PTH, the … how is my health likely to change? Over what period of time? Is there a medicine that can help me? If so, what …
Health topics
… also called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to put in your new heart valve. Your doctor will put the catheter into … does have serious risks. Some risks last just a short time. Others are long-term. Risks include: Heart block. This …
Health topics
… Because it grows so fast, it usually has spread by the time it is diagnosed. What causes it? In this type of … have inflammatory breast cancer without having a lump in your breast. What are the symptoms? Inflammatory breast … glands (lymph nodes) in the armpit How is it diagnosed? If your doctor suspects you have inflammatory breast cancer, …
Health topics
… Floaters are spots, specks, and lines that float through your field of vision. Flashes are brief sparkles or lightning streaks that are easiest to see when your eyes are closed. They often appear at the edges of your … loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose retinal detachment, …
Health topics
… Chronic bronchitis keeps coming back and can last a long time, especially in people who smoke. Chronic bronchitis … have a cough for more than 4 weeks. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This usually gives the doctor …