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3951 results found
Health topics
… can't show if narrowed places in your arteries will cause a heart attack. Other tests may give you and your doctor … muscle. If the plaque breaks apart, a blood clot could cause a heart attack. Narrowing of the arteries can lead to … is best for you. You may decide to have an angiogram because: footnote 2 It can help your doctor see if a change in …
Health topics
… Spinal stenosis in the low back (lumbar spine) can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the back, buttocks, and … that branch out from the spinal cord. The squeezing can cause pain, numbness, or weakness, most often in the back, … not so bad at other times. Arthritis is the most common cause of spinal stenosis. There are a lot things that can help …
Health topics
… other age group besides drivers age 25 and younger. And because older drivers are more fragile, they are more likely to … other age group besides drivers age 25 and under. And because older drivers are more fragile, they are more likely to … your foot between the gas and brake pedals, or you get confused between the two. Loved ones are worried about your …
Health topics
… for heart failure. A pacemaker for heart failure is used for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). This type of pacemaker is different from pacemakers used to treat other heart rhythm problems, such as … at the same time. Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) uses a special type of pacemaker called a biventricular …
Health topics
… Key points to remember Circumcision is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin … be circumcised. Circumcision is a decision you make because you want it for your baby. Circumcision may not be safe … when the foreskin becomes too tight to be pulled back and causes swelling or other problems. (This can be corrected …
Health topics
… your risk of heart attack and stroke. Your doctor will use a few things to figure out your risk. These include: … 10 years. There are different online tools that doctors can use to calculate this risk. These tools are not perfect. … may lower the risk that the plaque will break apart and cause a blood clot that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. …
Health topics
… of plaque or a blood clot could move to the brain and cause a stroke . How can you reduce your risk of stroke? There … These help prevent the damage to blood vessels that can cause plaque to build up. Statins and other medicines to lower … include: Infection. Nerve damage that could cause serious problems, like trouble swallowing. The artery …
Health topics
… with how often they have bowel movements. That's because they've been taught that a healthy person has a bowel … to pass stools unless you put a finger in your rectum or use manual pressure to pass a stool Constipation may occur with cramping and pain in the rectum caused by the strain of trying to pass hard, dry stools. You …
Health topics
… language development? Speech and language are the skills we use to communicate with others. We form these skills during … have a burst in talking. By 24 months, children tend to use at least 50 words and are also starting to use two-word phrases. Keep in mind that the age at which …
Health topics
… Pancreatitis On this page: Condition Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To … and glucagon . These two hormones control how your body uses the sugar found in the food you eat. Your pancreas also … is blocked or injured, these enzymes can leak out and cause pain and swelling. This may happen suddenly or over many …