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Health topics
… Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor … and A1c goals. If you decide to use insulin, you'll learn what type is best for you and how much you'll need to take. … And you'll need to know the signs of low blood sugar and what to do if you have a low blood sugar emergency. Starting …
Health topics
… Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor … things can help whether you use hearing aids or not. FAQs What are hearing aids? Hearing aids makes sounds louder. … of hearing loss, your doctor or audiologist's advice, and what kind of hearing aids you want. Most hearing aids use …
Health topics
… your blood sugar level at that time. But you can't tell what's happening to your blood sugar the rest of the … receiver. At any time, you can look at the receiver and see what your glucose level is. Some systems use text messages, … information gives you and your doctor a better idea of what your treatment needs are. Some CGMs need you to prick …
Health topics
… page: What is pseudobulbar affect (PBA)? Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) … fits of tears or laughter usually have nothing to do with what you're feeling. And you can't control them. Living with PBA can be very stressful. What causes it? Brain damage from a stroke , brain tumour, …
Health topics
… is to avoid them. And to avoid them, you need to know what things (or triggers) bring them on. By finding and … you identify and avoid headache triggers? You can find out what your triggers are by keeping a headache diary and … Use a headache diary In a headache diary , you write down: What you eat and drink. What type of exercise you do and …
Health topics
… Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor … have to watch how much fluid you drink and be careful about what you eat. Dialysis can have side effects such as low blood pressure, muscle cramps, or infection. FAQs What is kidney failure? Having chronic kidney disease means …
Health topics
… and how the medicines affect you. Your doctor can tell you what side effects to expect and how to manage them. Most side effects are … and to bruise or bleed easily. Your doctor can tell you what precautions to take and how long to keep using the …
Health topics
… "no-drink" days. Have a plan for dealing with barriers. Expect slip-ups. When you have one, think about what led to it. You can use this information to avoid a … when you get support from friends and family. Tell them what you're trying to do, and ask them to help. Reward …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is chemo brain? Chemo brain is a problem with thinking … how chemo brain occurs and how to prevent and treat it. What causes it? Chemo brain may be caused by chemotherapy … cancer also may make it harder to think and remember. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of chemo brain vary …
Health topics
… How do I get rid of an air bubble in the syringe? Here is what to do if you notice an air bubble in the syringe. Hold … of medicine, because the air takes up space in the syringe. What if I break or bend a needle? Here is what to do if you bend or break a needle while giving …