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2676 results found
Health topics
… page: What is swimmer's ear? Swimmer's ear (otitis externa) is an … who have been swimming. But other people can get it too. What causes it? You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or … ear in the past, you are more likely to get it again. What are the symptoms? Swimmer's ear can be very painful. …
Health topics
… page: What is depression? Depression is a mental health condition … tell your doctor. Treatment can help you enjoy life again. What puts older adults at risk for depression? Both older … pain. Those who are increasing their use of alcohol. What are the symptoms? Common symptoms of depression, such …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is nursemaid's elbow? Nursemaid's elbow, also called … at one end. The other end connects into the wrist joint. What causes it? Nursemaid's elbow usually occurs in young … But if the injury recurs often, abuse may be suspected. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of nursemaid's elbow …
Health topics
… page: What is tetanus? Tetanus is a disease caused by a bacterial … to Canada from countries where tetanus shots are rare. What causes it? The bacteria that cause tetanus are called … contagious, so you can't get it from a person who has it. What are the symptoms? Tetanus symptoms appear slowly and …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview What are blood and body fluid precautions? Blood and body … you are faced with an emergency or injury, you will know what to do. What should you do if you're exposed to blood or body …
Health topics
… having trouble keeping it going, it may help to figure out what's getting in your way. Then you can figure out how to … guilty. Think of it as a learning experience. Figure out what happened. Why did you stop? Think of ways to get … or read while you eat. Use a meal plan to help control what you eat. Plan meals ahead of time. Many people find it …
Health topics
… page: What is salmonellosis? Salmonellosis is a type of foodborne … systems are the most likely to have severe infections. What causes it? You can get salmonellosis by eating food … Contaminated foods usually look and smell normal. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of salmonellosis include …
Health topics
… page: What is staph foodborne illness? Staph foodborne illness is … foods that have no signs of spoilage, such as a bad smell. What causes it? Most people get staph poisoning by eating … eclairs. Sandwich fillings. Milk and dairy products. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of staph foodborne illness …
Health topics
… page: What is a broken rib? A broken rib (also called a fracture) … has made your bones weak, such as osteoporosis or cancer. What are the symptoms? A broken rib may cause pain in the … anxious, restless, or scared. You also may have a headache. What could happen when you break a rib? Your ribs have two …
Health topics
… when you don't sleep well night after night, you can have what's called sleep deprivation or sleep debt. Besides … problems like car crashes and work-related injuries. What gets in the way of sleep? The everyday stresses of … be causing your sleep problems. And let your doctor know what medicines you take that might be keeping you awake. A …