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Health topics
… I just sat in front of the TV and tried not to think about anything." Then one day Sonny, his 5-year-old … why won't you come outside and play with me?' "Well, it about broke my heart. I decided that day to get out of that … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… the major nutrients. Fats give you energy. They also help your body absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Some fats are … it. Eating foods that are high in this fat may help lower your bad cholesterol, raise your good cholesterol, and lower your chances of getting …
Health topics
… ________ Date and time of day: ________ Symptoms What were your symptoms? How long did the heartburn last? Do you have … or stomach pain? Does pain radiate to another part of your body? Impact of symptoms Were you unable to sleep? Were you unable to go to work? Were you unable to perform your normal activities? Possible triggers of symptoms Are …
Health topics
… to be evaluated by a health professional soon after your symptoms start. Symptoms of an STI include: A change in … not mean that the STI has gone away . It will be harder for your health professional to diagnose your STI after the symptoms have changed. A delay in being …
Health topics
… and dementia . Normally, the "feel" and "express" parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behaviour on its own. Laughing or … usual relief after crying or laughing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose PBA based on your symptoms and …
Health topics
… may help you feel better and relieve stress. It also keeps your heart, lungs, and muscles strong and helps you feel less tired. It also may improve your immune system, which can help you fight infection. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you start an exercise program, especially …
Health topics
… an Injury in Children On this page: Overview Overview When your child injures his or her genital area, the pain can be … A visit to a health professional is usually required if your child: Is unable to urinate. Has increasing trouble … such as landing on a bar, or car accidents. A blow to your child's back may injure a ureter or kidney. Sexual …
Health topics
… resistance . They can also be related to lack of insulin in your body. Triglyceride blood levels are usually elevated. … low. These abnormal triglyceride and HDL levels can raise your risk for hardening of your arteries (atherosclerosis). When blood vessels that …
Health topics
… You don't need a recipe to build healthy meals. Let your tastes and time be your guide. Here are a few ideas to … These can be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. And think about using different colours and textures to get a variety … These can be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. And think about using different colours and textures to get a variety …
Health topics
… based on a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your … food packaging. Food packaging labels provide information about when to use the food and how to store it. Reading food …