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3229 results found
Health topics
… Kegels for: Stress incontinence. This means leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jog, or lift something heavy. … time, doing this could hurt your bladder. Kegels work best when done on a regular schedule. Your doctor may want you to … Kegels with biofeedback . It lets you to see, feel, or hear when an exercise is being done correctly. Related …
Health topics
… Heart failure is classified by how bad symptoms are when you are active. footnote 1 The four classes range from having few or no symptoms when active to having symptoms even when at rest. Class I. People whose physical activity is not …
Health topics
… or by counting slowly to 10. Know what to say. It's helpful when the person is having a panic attack to say things such … isn't meeting all of the goals. Stay calm. Don't panic when the person panics. Accept the current situation. But … that it's okay to be concerned and anxious yourself. When a person has panic attacks, the entire family is …
Health topics
… do you prepare? Your doctor will tell you what to expect when you have sedation. You'll get instructions to help you prepare. They'll include when to stop eating or drinking. If you take medicine, … include: Smoking. Sleep apnea. This happens during sleep when a blocked airway causes breathing problems. Being …
Health topics
… Blackouts, which cause you to not remember what happened when you were drinking. Blackouts aren't the same as passing … out means that you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your … numbness and tingling in your feet or hands. Be unsteady when on your feet. Have liver problems, such as cirrhosis . …
Health topics
… ideas to try. Consider your emotions without judging them. When a situation upsets you, take a moment to process your … feeling. Look at things from a different point of view. When you do this, you may see that the event had nothing to … For example, if someone you know doesn't respond to you when you say hello in the hallway, it could be that they …
Health topics
… It's done to improve a person's health and performance. When you are first learning biofeedback, you may have … how to control that function. The monitor may beep or flash when you achieve the desired change in that body function. … Risks Biofeedback is a safe procedure. It is most effective when taught by someone well trained in biofeedback …
Health topics
… that may help. Choose a good time to talk. Find a time when the person is not using substances, when you are both calm and not angry, and when you can speak in private. Be specific. Tell the person …
Health topics
… Young children with diabetes aren't able to recognize when their blood sugar level is high or low and then tell an … Look pale. Be nervous or shaky. Stare off or not respond when touched or spoken to. Have dark urine with a strong sweet odour. Be drowsy or hard to wake up. When you see changes in your child, do a home blood sugar …
Health topics
… normal to get aches and pains in your hips and pelvic area when you're pregnant. Pregnancy hormones are relaxing your … pillow between your knees. This may help relieve pain. Rest when you can. When you rest, it may help to apply heat to the painful …