3229 results found
Health topics
… Some countries, including Canada, have rules that govern when a farmer or rancher may use the organic label. Before a … can have small amounts of these chemicals left on the food when it gets to the store. There is not enough evidence to … can have small amounts of pesticide left on the food when it gets to the store. You can take these steps to …
Health topics
… reduced ejection fraction (systolic heart failure) happens when the muscle of the left ventricle cannot pump blood … ejection fraction (diastolic heart failure) happens when the left ventricle cannot fill properly with blood … heart failure High-output heart failure can happen when the body's need for blood is unusually high. The heart …
Health topics
… from the body. Chelation means "to grab" or "to bind." When EDTA is injected into the veins, it "grabs" heavy … cholesterol, which can damage arteries. The theory is that when you remove metals that flow freely through arteries … irregular heartbeats, and other serious consequences. Even when this treatment is given in low doses, some negative …
Health topics
… metabolic rate (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier … of food. Appetite can override hunger and satiety, such as when you continue to eat even after you feel full. You can … or environment. Your set point adjusts to a new level when it is maintained over time and can be altered by …
Health topics
… PDF: Document French The most important thing to consider when you breastfeed is comfort - yours and the baby's. Trying different positions, and changing when you need to, can help make the whole process easier and … baby's body close to your breast. This position is useful when you and your baby are learning to breastfeed. Football …
Health topics
… treat it. FAQs What is sleep apnea? You have sleep apnea when your breathing is often blocked or partly blocked while … on obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the airways in your nose, mouth, or throat are blocked … with your quality of life. It can make you too sleepy when you should be awake. It also is linked to problems such …
Health topics
… FAQs What is menopause? Menopause is the point in your life when you permanently stop having menstrual periods. After 1 … flashes you have. And they can make hot flashes less severe when you do have them. To manage symptoms before you start … of hot flashes you have, and it makes them less severe when you do have them. Lowers your risk of osteoporosis. …
Health topics
… You may also irrigate a colostomy, which helps you control when you eliminate waste. Irrigation requires your doctor's … and flush the intestines at a regular time to control when you eliminate solid wastes. Note: If you are caring for … around. Many people use this time for shaving and other grooming. When the waste return is completed, unsnap the …
Health topics
… reach pretty easily. It's easier to stick to something new when you have early, frequent successes. Support from family … Get support—from others and from yourself. Set your goals When you are clear about your reasons for wanting to get … a pat on the back. Then you may feel like going for a walk. When you hit a barrier—and most people do—get support. Talk …
Health topics
… are not working. These steps can help you stay safe when taking over-the-counter medicine . Carefully read and … medicine bottle and box . Take the minimum effective dose. When using a liquid medicine, use the measuring device that … are not working. These steps can help you stay safe when taking over-the-counter medicine . Carefully read and …