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Medical tests
… A chloride test measures the level of chloride in your blood or urine. Chloride is one of the most important … helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of your cells in balance. It also helps maintain proper blood … as from diarrhea or vomiting. Eating a lot of salt. Kidney disease. An overactive parathyroid gland …
Medical tests
… (hCG) test is done to check for the hormone hCG in blood or urine. Some hCG tests measure the exact amount. … used to see if a woman is pregnant. HCG can be found in the blood before the first missed menstrual period. This can be … that come from an egg or sperm. (These are called germ cell tumours.) HCG levels are often tested in a woman who …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Hemochromatosis gene (HFE) testing is a blood test used to check for hereditary hemochromatosis, an … family member—parent, brother, sister, or child—with this disease. This test might be done if you have high iron … or scrapes the inside of your cheek to get a sample of cells. Blood test A health professional uses a needle to …
Medical tests
… Overview A folate test measures the amount of folate in the blood. Folate is one of many B vitamins. The body needs folate for normal growth and to make red blood cells (RBC) , white blood cells (WBC) , and platelets . … or using folate, such as a vitamin C deficiency, liver disease, celiac disease , sprue , or Crohn's disease . Low …
Medical tests
… your urine. It also checks your levels of protein, sugar, blood cells, or other substances in your urine. A urine test may … Why It Is Done A urine test may be done: To check for a disease or infection of the urinary tract. The urinary tract …
Medical tests
… test measures the level of the hormone gastrin in the blood. Gastrin is produced by cells, called G cells, in the stomach lining. When food … out why a peptic ulcer keeps coming back. Check for certain diseases, such as tumours of the pancreas or small intestine …
Medical tests
… How To Prepare If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other blood thinners.) Make sure that you understand exactly what … found. Abnormal: Several tests may be done on the fluid. Cell counts. A high number of white blood cells (WBCs) in …
Medical tests
… pericardium . It protects the heart and parts of the major blood vessels connected to the heart. Normally, there is a … other structures in the chest when the heart beats. Some diseases cause fluid to collect within the pericardium. This … (such as bacteria, fungi , or viruses), white blood cells , sugar (glucose), cancer cells, and other substances. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A genetic test checks the DNA of your cells. It can find changes in your genes or chromosomes that … about your ancestry, your health, or your risk for certain diseases. Testing can be done on a single gene, selected … from each birth parent. Genes determine things like your blood type, hair colour, and eye colour. Genes can also …
Medical tests
… of immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies , in your blood. Antibodies are substances made by the body's immune … to bacteria, viruses, fungus, animal dander, or cancer cells. Antibodies attach to the foreign substances so the … made against your own tissues. This is called an autoimmune disease . If your immune system makes low levels of …