3697 results found
… used to treat and prevent low levels of certain substances (blood clotting factors) that your body naturally produces. These substances help your blood to thicken and stop bleeding normally (such as after an accidental cut or injury). Low levels of blood clotting factors increase the risk for unusual …
Health topics
… is best for you. The aortic valve opens and closes to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. … or is very tight and narrow (aortic valve stenosis), blood does not flow through the heart the right way. You … bypass machine, which is used to add oxygen to your blood and move the blood through your body. This machine …
Medical tests
… injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood to the testicles. Parts of the testicles where the … the testicles caused by an injury or to look at the flow of blood within the testicles. How To Prepare In general, … This may be a sign of narrowing, blockage, or damage in the blood vessels in the testicles. This could mean that blood …
Health topics
… cardiac arrest. In cardiac arrest, the heart stops pumping blood to the body. Cardiac arrest can cause sudden cardiac … medicines, and antibiotics. Less common causes include blood imbalances, such as low potassium levels and other … and the ventricles cannot effectively pump oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. Symptoms include: …
Health topics
… had lymph nodes removed from under your arm: Don't have blood drawn from the arm on the side of the lymph node surgery. Don't allow a blood pressure cuff to be placed on that arm. If you're in … circulate, which can reduce swelling. But it also increases blood flow to the muscles being used. This can increase the …
Medical tests
… Most of the sodium in the body (about 85%) is found in blood and lymph fluid . Sodium levels in the body are partly … and toothpaste. Doctors may look at sodium levels in the blood and urine to see whether conditions or medicines may … imbalances. Urine sodium levels are often high when blood levels are low. The urine sodium level is often low …
Health topics
… a stable heart rhythm. You might take a medicine (called a blood thinner) that prevents blood clots before and after the procedure. This medicine … procedure to stop a fast heart rate that is causing low blood pressure or severe symptoms. These heart rate problems …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Hepatitis B tests are blood tests that show whether you have an active hepatitis B … It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all from the …
Health topics
… to the shoulder. The collarbone also protects nerves and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a … collarbone can injure a lung or rib or pinch nerves or blood vessels. This may cause the arm to turn pale, tingle, … will check: The affected area and look for a lump or bump. Blood flow, by taking your pulse and checking your skin …
Health topics
… eating habits had caused her to gain weight, and her blood pressure was high. "I had given up, just given up," … ended up in the emergency room several times with very high blood pressure. "I just was going to have to take some … her eating habits to get to a healthy weight and lower her blood pressure. She lost more than 18 kilograms (40 pounds), …