821 results found
Health topics
… the tooth that you can see to the roots that are in the jawbone. Damage caused by tooth decay is the most common reason … tooth socket after the extraction. The clot protects the bone during healing. If that blood clot gets loose or comes … of the socket, you may have a dry socket, which exposes the bone. A dry socket may last for several days and can cause …
Health topics
… as feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed. Muscle and bone weakness. This may cause backaches, broken bones (especially the ribs and spine), or loss of muscle … in protein and calcium. This can help prevent muscle and bone loss caused by high cortisol levels. Talk to your …
Health topics
… steroid medicine will put you at risk for problems such as bone thinning ( osteoporosis ). Your doctor may recommend … taking calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium can help prevent bone thinning. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium. … dancing, or weight lifting. This will help keep your bones strong and may also help your mood. Don't smoke, and …
… your specific health needs. Uses Denosumab is used to treat bone problems that may occur in people with multiple myeloma or in people with cancer that has spread to the bones. It is also used to treat high blood calcium levels … to treat a certain disease called giant cell tumor of the bone, if they cannot use surgery to treat the disease. How …
Medical tests
… the uterus and ovaries. In men, it looks at the prostate. Bones and joints. MRI can check for problems of the bones and joints, such as arthritis , problems with the temporomandibular joint , bone marrow problems, bone tumours, cartilage problems, torn …
Medical tests
… stenosis ) and may need surgery. Find tumours affecting the bones or nerves of the spine. The tumours that most commonly … spine. Check areas of joint inflammation ( arthritis ) or bone loss found during an X-ray test or a bone scan . Find areas of the spine that do not have good …
Medical tests
… pain. Find problems in the shoulder, such as arthritis , bone tumours, worn-out cartilage, torn ligaments, torn … tears and impingement. MRI may also help diagnose a bone fracture when X-rays and other tests are not clear. MRI … is done more commonly than other tests to check for certain bone and joint problems. How To Prepare In general, there's …
Health topics
… and movement enough. Subacromial smoothing involves shaving bone or removing growths on the upper point of the shoulder … the joint . The surgeon may also remove small amounts of bone from the underside of the acromion and the … tools are then inserted through the incision to shave the bone or remove growths. This type of surgery is more common …
Health topics
… from its normal position. (The radius is one of two long bones in the lower arm, or forearm .) The ligament that supports the radial bone then slips into the elbow joint. When this happens, the radial bone can't move back into its normal place. The radius …
Health topics
… Broken Collarbone On this page: What is the collarbone (clavicle)? The collarbone (clavicle) is one of the main bones of the shoulder …