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Health topics
… . This means that you can't tell the difference between what is real and what isn't real. You talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, …
Health topics
… Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself On this page: Overview Overview … to do all the things you want to do right away. Choose what is most important and do those things first. Break larger tasks into smaller ones and do what you can. Remember that negative thinking is part of …
Health topics
… the way you eat doesn't always mean you have to give up your favourite foods. Maggie Morris includes her beloved … every three months. And she has small portions. "I have what I call my worth-it foods," says Morris, a nurse who … crusts with less cheese. I thought I would hate that. What I've discovered is that I taste flavours so much more …
Health topics
… for a few weeks between each attempt at quitting. Despite what felt like repeated failure, she didn't give up. "It was … to quit, Nancy says. As a nurse, Nancy knew first-hand what it was like to struggle for each breath. She worked in … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… When Jack got to his doctor's office, he had questions. "What can you do? Will I need surgery?" All sorts of help … a lot of time. That was my case. If you have back pain, do what you can for it, but don't be in a hurry. It usually … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… are some of the things that helped her pay attention to what she eats: Take it one meal at a time. "See it as a … really enjoy candy—a chocolate bar or something like that. What I started to do was substitute that with sugar-free … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… when the sugar (glucose) level in the blood drops below what the body needs to function normally. Some medicines for … such as sweating, shakiness, and hunger. Taking too much of your diabetes medicine in one day, not eating enough food, … to guess when it is low. Teach your friends and co-workers what to do if your blood sugar is very low. How to deal with …
Health topics
… of different feelings, like anger, sadness, and fear. And your feelings can change from day to day, and even moment to … positive things in your life. It can help you appreciate what's important to you. Building resilience Here are some … things change. Expect things to work out. You can't change what happens, but you can change how you feel about it. See …
Health topics
… issues for toddlers include: Problems controlling feelings. Your toddler's emerging sense of self and internal conflicts … to master skills and tasks on their own. They believe that what they want to happen should happen. But what they want to happen can change from one moment to the …