3889 results found
Health topics
… in part of the immune system (the lymph system ). White blood cells called lymphocytes can become abnormal or … they do know that gene changes (mutations) occur in white blood cells called lymphocytes. These gene changes lead to … You may also get: Lab tests, including a complete blood count, to check the number of white and red blood …
Health topics
… premature ) or at a low birth weight. You may lose a lot of blood. Placental abruption usually occurs in the third … Common risk factors for placental abruption include: High blood pressure, whether the high blood pressure is a long-term problem or is caused by the …
Medical tests
… For example, you may get one if a test shows that you have blood or protein in your urine. The biopsy is usually done … kidney biopsy is done to: Find kidney disease when there is blood or protein in the urine or when the kidneys are not … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it …
Health topics
… the substance in the centre of your bones that produces red blood cells. A person with sickle cell disease has bone marrow that produces red blood cells with defective hemoglobin S. But if that bone … new cells restore the immune system and make normal red blood cells. Until recently this treatment was mostly done …
… early, you have a higher risk of forming a serious blood clot (such as a stroke, blood clot in the legs/lungs). Your doctor may direct you to take a different "blood thinning" or antiplatelet medication to reduce your …
… early, you have a higher risk of forming a serious blood clot (such as a stroke, blood clot in the legs/lungs). Your doctor may direct you to take a different "blood thinning" or antiplatelet medication to reduce your …
Health topics
… and systems of the body. These include problems with: The blood. There may be changes in the blood cells, anemia, and changes to organs related to … people with lupus produce antibodies that attack certain blood-clotting factors, causing the blood to clot too …
Health topics
… sickle cell disease can sometimes have vision problems. Blood cells that change shape, or "sickle," can get trapped in blood vessels, blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood …
Health topics
… caused by other medical problems or medicines. It prevents blood from clotting properly. It is rarer than the inherited … stenosis. Use of a cardiac device that helps the heart pump blood, called a ventricular assist device . Rarely, acquired … your body have enough von Willebrand clotting factor in the blood. This von Willebrand factor helps your blood clot. …
Health topics
… capacity and efficiency Improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements Reduced systemic inflammation … medications. Clients should be counselled to track their blood pressure if this is a concern. Exercise or physical … muscles to exhaustion can cause significant spikes in blood pressure. The Valsalva maneuver during resistance …