3127 results found
Health topics
… walk should be within your reach. Your bed should be low enough so that you don't have problems getting out of bed. … your path to the washroom or hallway. Your room should have enough light. Make sure there is a night light in your … walk should be within your reach. Your bed should be low enough so that you don't have problems getting out of bed. …
Health topics
… surgery (lumpectomy) removes the cancer and just enough tissue to get all the cancer. The goal is to keep the … in early-stage breast cancer to remove the cancer and just enough tissue to make sure that all the cancer is removed. … surgery (lumpectomy) removes the cancer and just enough tissue to get all the cancer. The goal is to keep the …
… (such as from wetness). Dry skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin. … by forming an oily layer on the top of the skin that traps water in the skin. Petrolatum, lanolin, mineral oil and … including glycerin, lecithin, and propylene glycol, draw water into the outer layer of skin. Many products also have …
Health topics
… from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and squeeze to remove any water. Suctioning too often can make the congestion worse … from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and squeeze to remove any water. …
Health topics
… are waiting. Try turning on a faucet or picturing running water in your mind. Some men find that hearing running water helps get their urine flowing. If dribbling is a … are waiting. Try turning on a faucet or picturing running water in your mind. Some men find that hearing running water …
Health topics
… or her to a safe place. Do not remove the person from the water if he or she has been in a diving accident. Float the person face up in the water until help arrives. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency … or her to a safe place. Do not remove the person from the water if he or she has been in a diving accident. Float the …
Health topics
… between a warm compress and the skin. Heating pads and hot water bottles can be used on larger surfaces needing heat. … Moist warmth. Towels or face cloths can be soaked in warm water, wrung out, and placed on the area. Moist warmth is … between a warm compress and the skin. Heating pads and hot water bottles can be used on larger surfaces needing heat. …
Health topics
… source of energy. Fat, which also provides energy. Water, to replace water lost through activity. Eating a diet that is balanced, … source of energy. Fat, which also provides energy. Water, to replace water lost through activity. Eating a diet …
… not use conditioner. Thoroughly rinse the shampoo out with water, and towel-dry hair. Shake this medication well before … medicine gets in any of these areas, flush with plenty of water. Do not use more medication than prescribed. Leave the … minutes or as directed by your doctor, then rinse with warm water. Towel-dry your hair and comb out any tangles. A …
… Before starting this medication, you should no longer be drinking alcohol. Acamprosate has not been shown to work well if you are still drinking alcohol when you start taking it. How To Use Read … and your risk of side effects will increase. If you begin drinking alcohol again, continue to take this medication and …