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4186 results found
Health topics
… before talking. Try to empathize with them. You may not always agree with them. But you might let them know that you … or a mental health support group. Care for yourself. Being in a relationship with someone who has a mental health … before talking. Try to empathize with them. You may not always agree with them. But you might let them know that you …
Health topics
… you? Everyone responds to traumatic events in different ways. But it's common to have some type of reaction. You may … hopeless or that the world and other people aren't safe. Being overwhelmed by certain emotions, such as anxiety, … you? Everyone responds to traumatic events in different ways. But it's common to have some type of reaction. You may …
Medical tests
… tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to remove any jewellery that may be in the way of the X-ray picture. You … Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being taken. A padded brace, foam pads, a headband, or … This is more likely if you have an injury. Risks There is always a slight chance of damage to cells or tissue from …
Health topics
… fever (also called allergic rhinitis), are often caused by being exposed to pollen. To reduce your exposure: Keep your … fever (also called allergic rhinitis), are often caused by being exposed to pollen. To reduce your exposure: Keep your …
Health topics
… get HIV? Children can be exposed to the virus in several ways. If a pregnant woman has HIV, her baby can be exposed … the results are correct. Children who are at high risk of being infected with HIV are tested as early as possible. … get HIV? Children can be exposed to the virus in several ways. If a pregnant woman has HIV, her baby can be exposed …
Health topics
… they need to work. ARDS occurs most often in people who are being treated for another serious illness or injury. Most of … better is hard work. Your life may be changed in important ways. Here are some things that might help: Try pulmonary … better is hard work. Your life may be changed in important ways. Here are some things that might help: Try pulmonary …
Health topics
… of allowing the child to become more used to and process being touched. Also, play such as tug-of-war or with heavy … of allowing the child to become more used to and process being touched. Also, play such as tug-of-war or with heavy …
Health features
… cough, or pertussis, is a serious infection of the airways. Early symptoms are similar to the common cold and … When you get immunized, you help protect others as well. Click on the links below to learn more about …
Health topics
… one, for example, or a poem or story. Don't worry about how well you write. Write about everyday occurrences or … one, for example, or a poem or story. Don't worry about how well you write. Write about everyday occurrences or …
Health topics
… provide key nutrients and support overall health and wellbeing. Find recipes featuring traditional foods:  Food is … Eating on a budget Ideas to save money while eating well: Healthy eating on a budget (Government of Canada) Food …