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3569 results found
Health topics
… Drink a lot of water. Suck on ice chips, or try chilled foods, such as frozen ice pops, ice cream, or frozen yogurt. … Try warm liquids, such as tea or soup. Eat soft, bland foods that are easy to swallow, such as ice cream, custard, … and cheese, soft-cooked eggs, yogurt, or cream soups. Cut foods into small pieces, or grind, mash, blend, or puree …
Health topics
… conditions are problems that affect how your body digests food. Common examples include diverticular disease, … Learn about fibre and the types and amounts in different foods: Fibre and your health (HealthLinkBC File #68h) Lower fibre food choices Celiac disease Celiac disease is a condition …
Health topics
… Heart-healthy cooking tips Instead of: Try: Frying your food Baking, broiling, steaming, poaching, or grilling your food. Eating convenience foods (canned soups, TV dinners, frozen pizza) Eating fresh …
Health topics
… called ulcers. What causes GERD? Normally when you swallow food, it travels down the esophagus. A valve opens to let the food pass into the stomach, and then the valve closes. With … After you eat, wait 2 to 3 hours before you lie down. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include …
Health topics
… your heart and blood vessels. That means eating healthy foods, quitting smoking, getting exercise, and staying at a … sugar in a healthy range. Use carb counting or Canada's Food Guide to balance your carbs. Add a heart-healthy focus. Choose foods that are high in fibre and low in saturated fat and …
Health topics
… your baby grows? As your baby grows and begins eating solid foods, you may notice changes in your baby's stool. When you … loose or even runny. When you start to give your baby solid foods, the stools will become firmer and may have a stronger odour. If food is not strained, you may see pieces of food in the …
Health topics
… Is more physically active than usual without eating enough food. Takes a medicine that can lower blood sugar as a side … when your child's blood sugar gets low. Keep quick-sugar food handy. This includes glucose tablets, fruit juice, and … may not always have the same symptoms. Offer quick-sugar food when your child has low blood sugar. Give your child …
Health topics
… started eating smaller portions, and she cut down on fast foods—little steps that still allowed her to eat some of her favourite foods (like french fries, cheesecake, and chocolate chip … weight, and she rattles off the list: Cutting down on fast food. Learning to control portion sizes. Exercising 5 days a …
HealthLinkBC files
… infected with Giardia ? Giardia cysts can spread by water, food or fecal-oral transmission between infected … You can also become infected by eating raw or undercooked food contaminated with cysts. Giardia can also spread from … water after using the toilet and before eating or preparing foods. Dry your hands with disposable towels. If you are a …
Health topics
… the amount of fat you take in. Cut back on eating fast food to once a week, or eat red meat only 3 times a week. … to your diet instead of taking something away. Add foods that you think you need more of, like fruits and … If you start off by taking things out of your diet—like foods that are high in fat or sugar—you might feel deprived. …