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Health topics
… rate is. To calculate your maximum heart rate, use the following equation: HRmax = 208 – (0.7 x your age (years)) This … levels. To calculate your target heart rate, use the following equations: During light intensity activity - Target … a light intensity activity. This was calculated in the following way: 208 – (0.7 x 60 years) = 166 (this is your …
Health topics
… powder. GHB is also known as liquid ecstasy, G, or soap. At low doses, the drug relaxes the person. The person feels … powder. GHB is also known as liquid ecstasy, G, or soap. At low doses, the drug relaxes the person. The person feels …
Health topics
… sacs beneath the skin called hair follicles). Next, a low-level electrical current passes through the needle or … has been destroyed. The process of electrolysis can be slow and can require several treatment sessions to destroy … used to remove hair on the face (eyebrows, upper and lower lips, cheeks, chin, hairline, bridge of the nose …
Health topics
… may cause me to trip. ____My furniture is a height that allows me to use it easily. ____I can easily reach a telephone … may cause me to trip. ____My indoor and outdoor lighting allows me to see my way. ____I have night-lights where they … ____I store the materials and foods I use the most on lower shelves so that I don't need to climb or reach for …
Health topics
… globulin or immune globulin) is a substance made from human blood plasma. The plasma, processed from donated human blood, contains antibodies that protect the body against … your body uses antibodies from other people's blood plasma to help prevent illness. And even though …
Health topics
… (IABP) is a mechanical device that helps the heart pump blood. It is a long, thin tube called a catheter with a … balloon pump (IABP) reduces the workload on your heart, allowing your heart to pump more blood. The IABP is placed … the balloon inflates. This inflation helps increase blood flow to the heart and the rest of the body. As your left …
Health topics
… failure means that your heart muscle does not pump as much blood as your body needs. Failure doesn't mean that your … This is the side that pumps blood to the body. The heart's lower chamber, called the left ventricle, either cannot pump … ventricle cannot pump blood well. The ejection fraction is lower than normal. Heart failure with preserved ejection …
Medical tests
… An ammonia test measures the amount of ammonia in the blood. Most ammonia in the body forms when protein is broken … , which is then eliminated in urine. Ammonia levels in the blood rise when the liver is not able to convert ammonia to … caused by cirrhosis or severe hepatitis . For this test, a blood sample may be taken from either a vein or an artery. …
Health topics
… cause. What causes it? Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow to the brain. After you lose consciousness and fall or lie down, more blood can flow to your brain so you wake up again. Most causes of …
Health topics
… Symptoms include pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, lower belly pain, and changes to your period. How are they … cyst. Current use of medicine to start ovulation. Use of low-dose progestin-only contraception (such as some … Use heat, such as a hot water bottle, a heating pad set on low, or a warm bath, to relax tense muscles and relieve …