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5014 results found
Health topics
… that can lead to medical emergencies, such as diabetic ketoacidosis or dehydration from high blood sugar levels or loss … needs. Your blood sugar can drop quickly if you don't eat enough food or you skip meals. It can also happen if you … before you can tell how it is affecting your blood sugar. Getting worse? Symptoms are getting worse Staying the same …
… cause a serious (sometimes fatal) condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis is more likely if you are an older … of alcohol, do unusually heavy exercise, or do not consume enough calories from food. To help prevent low blood sugar, … you have prolonged diarrhea or vomiting. Be sure to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration unless your doctor …
Health topics
… Shock . This can occur if the circulatory system can't get enough blood to the vital organs. Coughing, wheezing, … on soles of feet, or on palms of hands Is the swelling getting worse (over hours or days)? Yes Swelling is getting worse No Swelling is getting worse Did you get an …
Health topics
… need time to adjust to longer limbs and bigger bodies. Getting regular moderate exercise can improve coordination. … make it hard to get up for school. To help your child get enough rest, discourage phone and computer use and … or sadness, such as keeping a journal, volunteering, and getting adequate rest and exercise. If your child shows …
… cause a serious (sometimes fatal) condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis is more likely if you are an older … with other diabetes medications, or if you do not consume enough calories from food, or if you do unusually heavy … you have prolonged diarrhea or vomiting. Be sure to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration unless your doctor …
Health topics
… the risk of foreign objects or substances or body fluids getting in the eyes. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a … around eye No Severe swelling around eye Is the swelling getting worse? Yes Swelling around eye is getting worse No … focus on the pain. Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The pain is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but …
… ospemifene raloxifene tamoxifen tizanidine tranexamic acid warfarin Drospirenone may raise your potassium blood … ospemifene raloxifene tamoxifen tizanidine tranexamic acid warfarin Drospirenone may raise your potassium blood …
… (such as prednisone) dichlorphenamide methotrexate valproic acid herbal medications (such as ginkgo biloba) Before using … (such as prednisone) dichlorphenamide methotrexate valproic acid herbal medications (such as ginkgo biloba) Before using …
Medical tests
… provide the sputum sample. Some people can't cough deeply enough to produce a sample. They can breathe in a special … provide the sputum sample. Some people can't cough deeply enough to produce a sample. They can breathe in a special …
Health topics
… are often used too. You can give a full bath in bed without getting the bed sheets wet. How often a person bathes can … the temperature if you can. Make sure that the bed is high enough so that you don't hurt your back. If it is low, it is … are often used too. You can give a full bath in bed without getting the bed sheets wet. How often a person bathes can …