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Health topics
… can be caused by: Some medicines that damage the lining of your intestines. Radiation therapy aimed at your belly or … increase the amount of fluids you drink. When you feel like eating, start with small amounts of food. This will help you … increase the amount of fluids you drink. When you feel like eating, start with small amounts of food. This will help you …
Health topics
… and Injuries, Age 12 and Older On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … system problems Do you have shaking chills or very heavy sweating? Shaking chills are a severe, intense form of shivering. Heavy sweating means that sweat is pouring off you or soaking …
Health topics
… for some babies. Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries more than expected: more than 3 hours a … to feel scared, upset, or frustrated when you cannot get your baby to stop crying. But remember that colic is … for some babies. Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries more than expected: more than 3 hours a …
Health topics
… Grief: Coping With Grief Overview Grief is a normal and healthy reaction that occurs when you lose someone or … does not happen in a step-by-step or orderly fashion. Give yourself all the time you need to identify, accept, and … we develop our content . … Overview Grief is a normal and healthy reaction that occurs when you lose someone or …
Health topics
… This expression includes the name and pronoun you use, your style of dress, voice or hairstyle. Gender expression … some tools to feel better, you'll be more likely to make healthy choices. And you'll be less likely to turn to things … some tools to feel better, you'll be more likely to make healthy choices. And you'll be less likely to turn to things …
Health topics
… heartbeat, especially when lying down, or feel their heart beating unevenly ( palpitations ). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination. Your doctor will … will see you regularly. Your doctor will recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. You may take medicine to lower blood …
Health topics
… apart. It's important to find out what kind of headache your child has, since the medicines and other treatments may … It may help to find a doctor who has experience treating headaches in children. Keep a headache diary . A … things. To prevent migraines and tension headaches : Find healthy ways to help your child manage stress. Don't let …
Health topics
… the procedure. The doctor will start by numbing (freezing) your gums with a local anesthetic . The doctor may use a … necessary when the gums have pulled away from the teeth, creating deep pockets. The pockets make it hard to clean away … to help stop gum disease. Your gums should become pink and healthy again. Risks Gum surgery can introduce harmful …
Health topics
… especially another lung disease, such as COPD . Aren't eating enough healthy foods and are malnourished. Have a weak immune … start shortly after being sent home. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health. …
Health topics
… get their first tooth at around six months. By the time your toddler is 36 months, they should have 20 teeth - 10 on … teeth) are important because they: Help your toddler stay healthy. Infections in the mouth and teeth can affect … (MSP), your toddler may have dental benefits through the Healthy Kids Program . Teething Teething lasts about two …