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4612 results found
… and use exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Even small changes in the amount of insulin may have a large effect on … exercise. Symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, … forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, …
… each dose, clean the injection site with rubbing alcohol. Change where you inject each time to lessen the risk of … exercise. Symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, … forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, …
… each dose, clean the injection site with rubbing alcohol. Change where you inject each time to lessen the risk of … exercise. Symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, … forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, …
Health topics
… be emotionally vulnerable. To help strengthen and support healthy self-esteem in your child: Help your child learn how to make and keep friends. Healthy friendships are important, because children in this … cheated on a test, explain to her that the behaviour of cheating is not acceptable; it's not that your child is bad. …
Health topics
… stones, your doctor or dietitian may talk with you about an eating plan to help prevent new stones. The most common … are calcium and oxalate. Each type may require a different eating plan. There are certain foods you can have, and other … you are more likely to get them again. But by following the eating plan your doctor or dietitian suggests, you may …
HealthLinkBC files
… Depression Forgetfulness Difficulty sleeping Behavior changes Impaired vision Abnormal physical sensations … out of shape. They attack the brain, killing cells and creating gaps in tissue or sponge-like patches. Once these … (BSE). It is thought to be passed to humans from eating cow parts infected with BSE prions. For more …
Health topics
… mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they … salt substitute containing potassium. Your medicines may be changed to ones that don't raise your potassium levels. You … mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they …
Health topics
… say that light to moderate drinking can be part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. But there isn't enough evidence to tell … options that can lower your risk. These options include a healthy diet, exercise, and not smoking. Talk to your doctor … say that light to moderate drinking can be part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. But there isn't enough evidence to tell …
Medical tests
… as well as whether the blood vessel feels hard or soft. Changes in your heart rate or rhythm, a weak pulse, or a … rate is a simple way to find out how fast your heart is beating. Your doctor will usually check your pulse during a … exercise, your heart should be working hard enough for a healthy effect but not so hard that your heart is …
… defects. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells. How To Use This … in the body such as muscle weakness, bone pain, or mental changes. Folic acid is safe to take during pregnancy when … defects. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells. How To Use This …