3969 results found
Health topics
… But it does mean that their risk for those things is higher. There are things you can do to reduce the effects of … are being asked to do, and they agree clearly without being pressured. Ask for help when you need it. Make a list of … But it does mean that their risk for those things is higher. There are things you can do to reduce the effects of …
Health topics
… morning or evening at the same time you check your skin for pressure injuries . Keep in mind that it's possible to … Stretching the hamstring (the muscle on the back of the thigh) and foot and ankle muscles. Rotating the hip and … Stretching the hamstring (the muscle on the back of the thigh) and foot and ankle muscles. Rotating the hip and …
Health topics
… and use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. They are also at higher risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted … sexual ways or talk about sex like it's a game or contest? Pressure you to have or force you to have unprotected sex? … and use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. They are also at higher risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted …
Health topics
… your hand over the chest area and apply a little bit of pressure. Then quickly contract and relax your arm and … and cough. A huff is a forced exhalation that moves mucus higher and makes it possible to cough up more mucus. Huffing … and cough. A huff is a forced exhalation that moves mucus higher and makes it possible to cough up more mucus. Huffing …
Health topics
… by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus , your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and … Fullness is partly controlled by the hypothalamus, your blood sugar, and having food in your stomach and intestines. … by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus , your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and …
Health topics
… locates areas of the heart muscle that have inadequate blood flow compared with areas that have normal flow. Inadequate blood flow may mean that coronary arteries are narrowed or … locates areas of the heart muscle that have inadequate blood flow compared with areas that have normal flow. …
Health topics
… basis. Have regular medical tests. These may include blood tests, such as chemistry screens and complete blood counts (CBCs). They may also include imaging tests, … basis. Have regular medical tests. These may include blood tests, such as chemistry screens and complete blood …
… the mouth/eye/skin/genitals. The risk for infections may be higher if you also take other drugs that suppress the immune … cancer, lung cancer) with this medication. Your risk may be higher if you are a current or past smoker. Tell your doctor … may cause serious (sometimes fatal) problems from blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, …
… weight gain. Daunorubicin may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow disorders (low red blood cells/white blood cells/platelets). This can affect your body's ability …
Health topics
… include the following: If your dose of medicine is too high, you may feel nervous, have irregular heartbeats, or … include the following: If your dose of medicine is too high, you may feel nervous, have irregular heartbeats, or …