6172 results found
Health topics
… your breasts and around (not over) your belly. Use air bags properly. Slide the seat as far back as possible. Tilt the … short walks at least every 2 hours. This helps increase the blood circulation in your legs and reduce bladder pressure. Consider wearing compression stockings. Carry a …
… pain, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, heart attack) high blood pressure diabetes water diabetes (diabetes insipidus) Before …
… is a decongestant and works by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose to decrease swelling and … difficulty urinating (such as due to an enlarged prostate) high blood pressure (hypertension) heart/blood vessel disease (such as …
Health topics
… Key points to remember If you have prediabetes, your blood sugar is higher than it should be. You are more likely to get type 2 … prevent type 2 diabetes. Help control or prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Help you feel …
Health topics
… Testing every 3 to 5 years with an A1c test if you are at high risk. Yearly testing with an A1c test if you are at … South Asian descent. You have prediabetes . This means your blood sugar is above normal but is not high enough to be diabetes. You have high blood pressure . You have high cholesterol or other fats in your …
Medical tests
… system causes the heart muscle to contract and pump blood through the heart to the lungs and the rest of the … done to: Help find the cause of unexplained chest pain or pressure. Help decide on the best treatment for a person … to use numbers to say how hard you are exercising. The higher the number, the harder you think you are exercising. …
Health topics
… symptoms started after you began taking a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … Symptoms of a heart attack may include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. …
Health topics
… heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have SVT, the heart still works normally to pump blood through the body. During an episode of SVT, the … in the chest (palpitations). Chest discomfort, such as pressure, tightness, or pain. Fainting, or feeling …
Health topics
… years of life. It can happen if the baby doesn't get enough blood, oxygen, or other nutrients before or during birth. … care, understanding your child's needs and rights, and taking care of yourself and other family members are all … and your family and friends can help your child reach their highest potential. Build self-esteem by helping your child …
Medical tests
… a baby with a genetic condition or neural tube defect is higher than average. Amniocentesis can tell the sex of your … is covered with a bandage. Your fetus's heart rate and your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing will be checked before, …