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6178 results found
Health topics
… But fibroids aren't cancer. And they usually don't cause problems. You don't need to do anything about them unless they are causing problems. What causes them? Doctors aren't sure what causes … your uterus. You may have blood tests to look for other problems. How are uterine fibroids treated? If you have …
Health topics
… You will probably be given steroids to help your baby's lungs grow. You will get antibiotics to prevent an … You will probably be given steroids to help your baby's lungs grow. You will get antibiotics to prevent an …
Health topics
… disorder, such as anxiety . Does thumb-sucking cause any problems? Thumb-sucking in children younger than 4 is … their thumbs at age 6, are at risk for dental or speech problems. Prolonged thumb-sucking may cause the teeth to … it is that orthodontic treatment will be needed. Speech problems caused by thumb-sucking can include not being able …
Health topics
… in children, who may put things up their noses. Medical problems, such as: An abnormal structure inside the nose. … occurs more often in older adults because of other health problems they may have. Medical treatment will be needed to … (severe difficulty breathing). It may be getting hard to breathe with activity (mild difficulty breathing), or you …
Health topics
… hurt or even killed and from having lifelong emotional problems. You may be able to make reports anonymously. If … children, or having been abused themselves. Mental health problems, such as depression. Have little knowledge about … at special risk. They may not grow properly. They may have learning problems. They may feel bad about themselves and …
Health topics
… medicines to lower blood pressure. Manage other health problems You can help lower your chance of having another stroke by managing certain other health problems. Problems that increase your risk of having another stroke …
Health topics
… old. The child doesn't have nervous system (neurological) problems. The child has had fever seizures before. Fever … such as brain damage, intellectual disabilities , or learning problems. Check Your Symptoms Has your child had a … (severe difficulty breathing). It may be getting hard to breathe with activity (mild difficulty breathing), or you …
Health topics
… the size and shape of your heart and aorta and whether your lungs appear normal. Cardiac catheterization: This test … donor. If you are an organ and tissue donor, your liver, lungs, kidneys, and other organs can be donated to another … the size and shape of your heart and aorta and whether your lungs appear normal. Cardiac catheterization: This test …
Health topics
… to check the stroke symptoms and check for other health problems. How is a stroke treated? For an ischemic stroke, … to control blood pressure, brain swelling, and other problems. After either kind of stroke, treatment shifts to … rehab sessions. Help the person practice the skills they're learning. Work with the program staff to match the …
Health topics
… neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems. What are some examples of ACEs? Here are some of … in the home physically harming each other. Substance use problems in the home. A household member has problems with … physical activity. Many adults have spent a lifetime learning to live with the effects of ACEs. But it's never …